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Guesthouse,Boarding & Dressmaking in Westgate Hills, Jamaica

by Grace
(Westgate, Montego Bay, Jamaica)

Want somewhere to stay while chilling in Jamaica?

Check out our place in Westgate Hills Montego Bay, St. James! We live in a residential area that is safe and not to far from the popular beaches and areas that make your holiday pleasant and worthwhile.

We also provide boarding for anyone who seeks a safe secure and well educated environment for a family member.

I am available Monday to Friday for business discussions 9-5pm. My contact no...1-876-4784677 or 1876-8845824

About the Proprietor:

She previously worked for a cleaning company called Clean-A that was awarded large contracts in the United Kingdom.

She later studied Health and social care and gained city and guilds certificates level i and 2. While doing so, she also worked at a senior position in a nursing home while also administering medication, organizing their well-being, and taking regular courses to meet the government requirements, patient safety, and education.

She also holds city and guilds certificates for garment construction in ladies, children, and mens' wear.

Comments for Guesthouse,Boarding & Dressmaking in Westgate Hills, Jamaica

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Jul 18, 2017
Best location
by: Stushie and Jashana

I have travelled several times , usually all inclusive or a hotel setting so we were sceptical of booking to stay here for two weeks.

I must say I highly doubt I will use a hotel again anytime I am in the Montego Bay area. A homely, CLEAN, and local accommodation with two angels as hosts. every room was extremely clean and comfortable, several towels in bathrooms and great location as it is minutes from Pier one, and Margarita Ville.

would recommend to anyone

Oct 20, 2012
Nice place to chill out
by: Rachael Graham

West Gate Hill nice place to Chill, It's Spacious, Cool Fresh and relaxing. A beautiful view from the up stairs Terrace , You can see the Ships in the Sea its a Home from Home. No interruption after a day at the Beach you can read, relax, Watch TV and Chill.
Friendly Couple.
You don't have to worry about getting to places or to the Airport, They have transport.

West Gate Hill is close to most places, Just a few minutes to the Beaches.
If you live in Jamaica or any where else you should give that place a try.

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