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Falmouth Jamaica Port
Where History Comes To Life

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falmouth jamaica portFalmouth Jamaica Port

By Crystal Holness

Falmouth has a long and illustrious history extending back over 200 years. Falmouth, the centre of the Trelawny Parish in Jamaica, is a model of heritage and architecture, with the largest collection of Georgian-style structures in the country. The sugar industry was growing in the 1700s, and Falmouth was regarded as a cosmopolitan metropolis. 

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The fall of the industry resulted in a drop in earnings for the town, and ultimately, its position. Falmouth is a Jamaican National Heritage Site as well as a United Nations World Heritage Site, owing to its rich history.

The charming, historic town of Falmouth, parish capital of Trelawny, is a popular port-of-call for many cruise ships and is located on Jamaica's north coast in between the other major port cities of Montego Bay and Ocho Rios.

Since the recent modernization of its harbour, Falmouth can welcome some of the largest passenger ships and has experienced a sort of “re-birth” as more visitors than ever arrive to discover the treasures this lovely town has to offer.

When you dock in Falmouth, you will likely find that time seems to fly by because there are so many fun things to do there and exciting places to see that will make you sad to leave!

Falmouth's Port in the Past

  • Falmouth was founded in 1769 and named after a town of the same name in England.

  • In the late 18th century, the area developed into a leading producer of sugar cane. As Jamaica became the world's top exporter of sugar, ships were loaded up and sent overseas from Falmouth's busy port.

  • Many slave ships also arrived at this port, full of West African slaves who were auctioned off to local plantation owners. 

  • During this economic boom, Falmouth grew and flourished with more and more buildings being constructed, many examples of this colonial Georgian architecture are still standing today. Once slavery was abolished, Falmouth gradually faded from the foreground and continued to exist as a quiet, waterfront town.

Falmouth's Port in the Present

The area in and around the Falmouth port is teeming with excitement ; from the sound of lively reggae music to the succulent scent of jerk chicken cooking, to the colourful crafts being sold by the vendors, there is something for everyone.

A variety of fun tours and excursions begin here as well. Here are some of the things you won't want to miss:

falmouth jamaica port - water squareWater Square in Falmouth
  • Falmouth is one of the Caribbean's most well-preserved colonial towns, the best way to appreciate this is to take a walking tour through its historical cobbled streets, or for an even more authentic experience, travel by horse-drawn carriage. Be sure to pass by Water Square
  • As soon as you step off your ship, you will find a vast number of restaurants offering tasty local fare, along with numerous souvenir shops and a craft market where you can enjoy some duty-free shopping right in the Water Square and at the Albert George Shopping and Historical Centre.

  • Float down the Martha Brae River on a relaxing bamboo raft ride, as a friendly guide leads you through the Jamaican wilds, where you may see some exotic birds or an iguana.

  • In nearby Ocho Rios, you can climb the wondrous Dunn's River Falls, experience an exciting ride on a Jamaican bobsled or zip-line at Mystic Mountain Rainforest Adventure Park, or swim with the playful dolphins at Dolphin Cove

  • The Good Hope Great House is a lovely 18th century plantation estate home just a short distance from the port, it's available for tours, and with reservations, you can also enjoy a fabulous lunch there.

Of course, you can just walk around and watch as the cruise ships dock, find a cosy corner and people watch a bit. The town is so small and yet it is always bustling with activities and warm friendly people. So for whatever your reason is for being in Falmouth, whether it is you are coming on a cruise ship or you are just having fun exploring Jamaica and Falmouth is your next stop, the atmosphere of this quaint little town will excite joy upon your spirit.

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Watch Video! By the way, time & time again we hear that one of the things that makes Jamaica really special is... Its people!

Watch and enjoy this Falmouth Food tour with our tour guide Sonia!

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