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Affordable Advertising Online at
By Wellesley Gayle.

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The benefits of a business website are clear. A good website provides a company with the platform to sell and market products all over the world, thereby helping to increase sales and market share, but...

THE BIG BUT... that you need traffic to your website!
Targeted traffic!

A well made website without traffic is like a top brand car without petrol. That's where we can help.

WHY CHOOSE provides you the perfect springboard you need to get your message out.

With now a Top 1% ranking [of the approximately 200 million websites online], and significantly high positions in the search engines, this site will drive highly TARGETED visitors to your business daily - at a fraction of the cost of offline advertisement and even other popular internet marketing programs..

Targeted meaning that, while we get some visitors from sites that link directly to us, the overwhelming majority of our visitors comes via the search engines where they were searching for something related to Jamaica!

That traffic from the search engines, by the way, is ever growing.

New! Take a piece of Jamaica with you💃!

Savour the memories!  Now you can get your authentic Jamaican souvenir items, as well as traditional Jamaican herbs, spices and housewares on our popular e-store. Click Here to learn more.

And, if you ever need a trustworthy and knowledgeable local guide, consider booking a private tour with us!

At the time of writing updating this page on 05/15/2010 April-2012, we had a healthy MONTHLY average of 120,379 137,432 new visitors and 20,637 75,206 returning visitors - per month!

That accounted for a massive 282,600 322,215 page views for the month; that almost 4 million page views for the year (annualized)!
(Demographic Data Below)


And the numbers are ever growing!

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So, do you think that even a fraction of these persons may be interested in your product or service? You be the judge!

By the way, here's the latest Alexa ranking of the site. Please note the figure that says "Alexa Traffic Rank".

Did you see that?


Now divide that by the approximately 200 million sites online. Yep, there's the TOP 0.5%!

And Still More Proof?

Click Here and see just a few of the keywords on this site that are currently rank on the very FIRST page of Google - in the top 10!

N.B. Go ahead and try them in Google's search engine and see for yourself!

In addition, we also have a growing fan base using other web media such as Facebook and Twitter.

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Get the point?

We are showing you that you'll be getting great value for money! A value unmatched anywhere else on the net!


New! To learn how to become a special Site Sponsor, click here

We currently have several options for you to choose from. These include:

  • Text Links(s)
  • Button (120 X 60)
  • Banner Ads
  • Optimized Page (optimized)
  • Directory Listing &
  • Unique Packages

Please complete the form below and submit to me. I'll be happy to review your query and get back to you.

Go ahead! I'll be waiting the other side.


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Posted: June 2010

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