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2015 Ranking of High Schools In Jamaica

by Wellesley

2015 Ranking of Jamaica's Top High Schools

2015 Ranking of Jamaica's Top High Schools

UPDATE! The 2016 report has been released! Click here to read it.

Good news!

We have the latest (2015 report)!
And we have some major shifts!

It created quite a stir when we released the previous ranking of schools based on the CSEC results. (See it here)

You should see some of the comments?

Overall though, it was a great eye-opening experience for everyone; parents, students and school administrators alike.

Well, we now have an update!
Educate Jamaica has recently published the most report and here (below is the results)... the so called IVY LEAGUE.

The TOP 25 High Schools In Jamaica for 2015!

jamaican school ranking

Here also are some important points of note from the publishers:

  • Montego Bay High School's move from 13 to 3 may seem significant, however it is only and increase of approximately 9% of their score from 2013 to 2013. Its just a reminder of how a difference of 0.5 percent or 1% makes the rankings.

  • Seven (7) of the top ten (10) schools are all girls (70%)

  • Just under a half of the IVY LEAGUE schools are based in the Kingston & St. Andrew area.

  • The rankings are based on the most recent results (2014) at this point. 2015 CSEC results are yet to be released.

Note: Be sure to subscribe here to get the new ranking from the 2015 CSEC results when they are released.

Your comments are welcome.

Comments for 2015 Ranking of High Schools In Jamaica

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Sep 05, 2016
by: Anonymous

I thought that 2015 immaculate was placed 1st.

Jun 18, 2016
Success Is Not Automatic
by: Sophia

Some of these comments are so ridiculous. Whose fault is it if the conditions at schools vary?

These schools who are behind needs to:

....Ensure that the teachers are qualified,passionate and motivated.

....Put measures in place to preserve a disciplined environment conducive for learning.

...Adopt some of the latest technologies being used at these top high school and implement them.

...Create programmes within the institutions to promote higher learning if students are not as sharp.

Some people tend to go on cruise control and when those who works their butts off get rewarded, they get scornful. So you think these list should no longer be done? Utter nonsense! These evaluations should continue. Give other something to attain.

We should learn to celebrate the achievement of others because success is not automatic.

May 22, 2016
No Top 100 ?
by: Shane

I thought it would be top 100 like before, I wanna see the full list. Anybody know where that information can be found?

Apr 15, 2016
by: Annoyed

Some of these "Highly Ranked" schools only allow students who have constantly attained excellent grades to sit exams, hence they will forever have excellent passes.

What about those schools who actually believe in their students? The ones that will allow a student with a 49% to take a chance at say Math CSEC exam? And that student attains a pass are they then not performing?


Feb 01, 2016
Clarendon schools
by: Anonymous

Well some schools really are top performance like glenmuir and last but not least almost everything Knox in them to bright

Jan 20, 2016
Flawed data
by: Anonymous

Seriously.....are the conditions the same in all schools....what type of students get into campion and immaculate? What type of students goes to BB Coke and Glengoffe? Yes the exam is the same but are the teachers equally qualified....are the classrooms the same...

This is stupid and unfair....and makes students more demoralized and unmotivated.Teachers disheartened....

Dec 23, 2015
Ranking school is madness
by: Anonymous

When you rank a school what are the variables that are used. After gsat does all the schools get the same averege score? No. So how can they perform the same campian gets high 90s which does for over 90% of their cohort how much does calabar get so at the and of 5 years how can calabar compare to campion come on the days carry the same amount of hours, The same syllabi but students with different ability.
Which means they learn at different pace. Stop comparing its not fair because if you look beyond the surface those so called under performing schools are doing better than campion they are turning 80s into 95 and over.

Aug 04, 2015
Education is key
by: Empress Afrika

Great list. I showed a lot of people this list back home and boy oh boy some people were so vex when they saw this list and their school didn't make the top 10. I got many responses like "This list was fixed" lol...Nonetheless, I was surprised myself, especially when I saw that Calabar High didn't make top 10 either--but its good to know what schools are the best in JA, so when I make that move, I have a few schools in mind for my children. Oh and big up, Immaculate Conception as one of my close friend's niece attends there!!

Aug 03, 2015
Education in Jamaica
by: Dejana

How nice to see!

Nice educated young people who look nice!
What you will like for one country more?only, I hope that will be more young man, male participants in a future times...For the Good of Jamaica...!

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