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What Jobs Are In Jamaica?

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What Jobs Are In Jamaica?| ConstructionWhat Jobs Are In Jamaica?| Construction

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

If you're looking for a new career or a change of scenery, then you may be wondering what jobs are in high demand in Jamaica. This list will show you some of the most popular career paths that people take when they move here. Some require specific training; others involve no more than showing up and taking the first position offered.

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Call Centres

What Jobs Are In Jamaica? | ConduentWhat Jobs Are In Jamaica? | Conduent

The BPO industry is a constantly growing one in Jamaica. Call Centers seem to be everywhere across the island and it is one of the first places many choose to turn to when they are just leaving high school.

However many university graduates are also employed in call centres. What is great about call centres is that it draws from almost every field you can think of as the roles are quite varied.

If you lack any specific skill set and looking for an entry-level position most call centres will hire on the spot after a few quizzes and role plays. Customer service and sales agents are the top two major roles in call centres across the island.

Some of the more established BPO Companies are:

  • Conduent
  • Teleperformance
  • ACT
  • Itel BPO
  • Vista
  • Ibex
  • Sutherland Global

These companies are prominent in the major towns and cities. However, they are quickly venturing into smaller towns which makes it easier to choose a more rural location to live if you wish.

Tourism & Hospitality

This is the most common job in Jamaica, and it has been for some time. There are several reasons why this is so. First of all, tourism is the largest industry in Jamaica.

Secondly, it's a relatively young industry compared to other industries (such as construction or manufacturing) and therefore requires more staff members. Thirdly—and most importantly—it's a service industry; that means that you don't have to be trained in one specific trade or skill set before entering this field.

Instead, anyone can learn how to provide services at any level of experience or education by taking courses in hospitality management at local colleges! As a matter of fact, many resorts hire persons with little to no qualifications or experience.

In most cases, acceptance for the position will depend on how well you perform during the mandatory on-the-job training.

Accounting & Finance

In Jamaica, accounting is a highly paid job. Accountants have to know how businesses make money, what they spend their money on and how much they pay out in taxes each year.

Some accountants work in finance departments of companies or banks where they make sure that money flows smoothly between accounts and departments, while others are self-employed as consultants who offer advice on financial matters.

The accounting profession is one of the most highly respected professions in Jamaica. This is because of the important role that accountants play in society, as well as their high level of education and experience. Accounting graduates are usually hired immediately after completing their studies

Construction & Architecture

You’ll be hard-pressed to find a more exciting place than Jamaica for those interested in construction or architecture. If you have a creative mindset and enjoy solving problems, these careers could be the perfect fit for you!

If you want to work on buildings, structures, or other physical structures that are part of our everyday lives—think about working as an engineer. You can help design new buildings or fix existing ones by looking at problems from different angles and finding solutions.

Marketing & Sales

Marketing and sales are jobs that are definitely on the rise. There are many different types of marketing careers, so it may take some time to find the right position for you. Just like most other jobs in Jamaica, there are certain skills you'll need when applying for jobs in this field. Some of them include:

  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to think creatively and critically
  • Strong research ability (for any type of industry)


What Jobs Are In Jamaica? | TeachingWhat Jobs Are In Jamaica? | Teaching

Teaching jobs are one of the most common jobs in Jamaica. Though, it is important to note that there are many kinds of teaching careers and not all of them pay the same. For example, an early childhood school teacher has a different salary than someone who teaches high school students or college students.

Another type of job that is related to education is working for a university as an administrator or faculty member. These salaries can vary greatly depending on where you live and what kind of job you have within this field!


What Jobs Are In Jamaica? | Cornwall Regional Hospital - Montego BayWhat Jobs Are In Jamaica? | Cornwall Regional Hospital - Montego Bay

The field of medicine is wide and right across the island, there are always government and private agencies and companies looking to hire. Nurses are always in high demand, both practical and registered.

This may be because of the high percentage rate of individuals in these fields that migrate to other countries for higher salaries and more benefits. Pharmacists and phlebotomists are also prominent careers in the field of medicine.


Not sure if the job you want to do can be found in Jamaica but you are sure this is where you want to live? Don’t hesitate to search online. Many Jamaicans have completely put aside their regular office 9 to 5 lifestyle for the much more flexible one offered by gaining employment online.

There are many fields you can choose from, you just need time and patience to source the job that will be a right fit for you. Freelancing is also another booming option for many Jamaicans, as they make use of popular websites such as Fiverr and Upwork to make use of their variety of skills.

Finding a job in Jamaica may not be as daunting as it sounds. And if these are not jobs you can get behind, you can always be an entrepreneur. What’s your big idea?

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References & Sources For What Jobs Are In Jamaica?

  1. Working in Jamaica - Caribbean Jobs Career Advice,

What Jobs Are In Jamaica? | Written: August 20th, 2022

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