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WaterFalls In Jamaica
21 Stunning Jamaican Waterfalls You Must Visit

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waterfalls in Jamaica| Dunns River FallsDunns River Falls | Best Waterfalls In Jamaica

By Wellesley Gayle

Just so you know, Jamaica was not named, the Land Of Wood And Water by coincidence, our rivers and waterfalls are some of our best attractions!

You might have heard me trumpeting just how amazing Dunn's River Falls is right?

In fact, I recently shared some captivating photos (and a video) from one of my recent trips there here as well.

But I'd be unfair to you if I didn't share some of the other magnificent waterfalls here in Jamaica with you.

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So after a tedious exercise of research, I've put together this helpful guide, the first of its kind, 21 best waterfalls in Jamaica

There are more, a lot more (in many cases, smaller ones) but these are the ones that our tourist rave about, and so the ones I would recommend to you.

List Of Best Waterfalls In Jamaica

I am going to guess that you'll recognize the first five, as they are among the most popular now, but don't ever discount the remaining ones.

Here we go...

#Name Of FallsPhone NumberAddressParish
1Benta River Falls(876) 599-4985WilliamsfieldWestmoreland
2YS Falls(876) 997-6360YS Estate, Middle QuartersSaint Elizabeth
3Dunn's River Falls(876) 974-4767Ocho RiosSt. Ann
4The Turtle River Falls & Gardens (formerly The Enchanted Gardens)(876) 974-5114Eden Bower Rd, Ocho RiosSt. Ann
5Tacky Falls(876) 286-8183Roadside District, IslingntonSt. Mary
6Falling Edge Water FallsUnknownBowden Hill Road, Stony HillKingston
7Cane River Falls876) 468-4083 9 miles, Bull BaySt. Thomas
8Reach Falls(876) 993-6606 ManchionealPortland
9Reggae Falls(876) 351-5794Hillside, Morant BaySt. Thomas
10Originial Mayfield Falls(876) 792-2074GlenbrookWestmoreland
11Reggae Style/ Chukka Mayfield Falls(876) 298-6113Glenbrook (Operated by Chukka)Westmoreland
12Konoko Falls(876) 622-1712Shaw Park Ocho RiosSt. Ann
13Nanny FallsUnknownNear Moore TownPortland
14Somerset Falls(876) 913-0046Hope BayPortland
15Island Gully Falls(876) 397-9250Thatch Hill Rd, LodgeSt. Ann
16Nonsuch falls(876) 316-6411Port AntonioPortland
17Little Dunn's River Beach(876) 893-8817Ocho RiosSt. Ann
18Secret FallsUnknownNear White River, Ocho RiosSt. Ann
19Kaleechi FallsUnknownHills of Hanover (owned by Chukka)Hanover
20Kwame Falls876-899-6263Robin's Bay St. Mary
21Fish Dunn Waterfalls876-924-4515Bangrage, Buff Bay ValleyPortland

By the way, did you notice the the majority from this list are from the parish of Portland? 

Oh yeah, they have some of the best falls in Jamaica!

Other Attractions At Jamaica's Waterfalls

For many of them, the waterfalls are just one of many attractions to enjoy.

Some of the other interests include:

  • River walks
  • Hiking experiences
  • Nature walks
  • Zip lining (more established)

Fees & Entrance Costs

From my research, the entrance cost ranges between 15 and 25USD for a visitor to the island (usually half priced for children 3-12). 

For Jamaican locals, with ID, it is between 500 and 1500 JMD per adult (kids between 3-12 pays between 300 and 500JMD).

However, I suggest you reach out to each attraction directly to confirm rates, including special group rates.

Not also that some of these 'off the beaten path' waterfalls are just that, and so are not well regulated.

The Tacky Falls, for example, does not have an entrance fee but, according to Bianca Younis, one of the guides there, the local guide appreciates a tip from the visitor. 

Pictures From Falls In Jamaica

I've already been to a few of them. I'll now share some of the pictures I took with you, starting with...

Benta Falls

Benta Falls, Westmoreland
Benta Falls, Westmoreland

Read more on Benta Falls here.

Dunns River Falls

Dunns River Falls Photo
dunns river falls Jamaica

Read more on Dunn's River Falls here.

Mayfield Falls

mayfield falls pictures
mayfield falls - how about this old one?mayfield falls - how about this old one?

Read more on Mayfield Falls here

Somerset Falls

somerset falls, portland
somerset falls, portlandsomerset falls, Portland

Turtle Falls & Gardens

turtle river falls jamaica
turtle river falls & gardens jamaica

Read more on Turtle River Falls here.

I Should Tell You!

  • Believe it or not, but some of these amazing attractions were first brought to my attention by my guests! One of such is the Reggae Falls during a photo contest.

  • Keep an eye on The Little Dunn's River. It is just up and across the road from the big dunns river, but it is favorite for many, both locals and visitors alike.

  • The NonSuch waterfall in Portland is said to be one of the tallest, if not the tallest in the island!

  • Although many of them have proper guest  facilities (changing rooms, refreshments etc) some doesn't are not as they are not formalized or regulated.

    My recommendation: For great facilities stick with the bigger, most popular ones eg. Dunns' River, YS, Turtle River, Benta Falls etc)

    Otherwise be sure to go with a qualified tour guide who knows the way and the terrain.

The Most Famous Falls?

So which are the most famous falls in Jamaica?
I figure someone will ask, so let me answer before, anticipating the customer :-)

The 5 most famous falls in Jamaica are:

  1. Dunn's River Falls
  2. YS Falls
  3. Sommerset Falls
  4. Reach Falls &
  5. Mayfield Falls (both)

Planning On Visiting A Waterfall In Jamaica?

To experience the fun, thrill and challenge of Jamaica's best waterfalls, I suggest you arrange with a local guide (if you are a visitor).

You can find my recommendation here.


Watch Videos! Jamaica's Waterfalls In Video

I'll now share with you two videos from my YouTube channel. One from the stunning Dunn's River Falls in Ocho Rios, and the other from the serene Benta Falls in Westmoreland. Enjoy!

Benta Falls Video (below)

Dunn's River Falls Video (below)

As usual, I welcome your comments (link below)

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