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YS Falls

by Deborah
(Rivers, Manitoba, Canada)

It was my first visit to Jamaica.

We took a tour to the YS Falls. The drive up was incredible, the sites, the sounds, the history, just awesome!

When you arrive at YS Falls you are driven up in a trailer pulled by a tractor.

The sites of the mini falls as you drive up are incredible; all you can hear is wow! ah!
Just Beautiful!

Then you come to the falls and begin your ascension, now that is marvelous.
Each step you take brings a more beautiful site; the water as it gently falls off each ledge, the fine mist that comes, the coolness, the breeze, the color of the water, all of it is too much to take in, but as you continue your climb to one spot where you get to swim, now that is a wonder!

To jump into the water, and be surrounded by this, there are no words to describe it you just have to experience it.

To swim under the caves and out under the falls, wow!

The falls invites you to relax enjoy and experience "No problem".

For me, I truly experienced what a child would experience if set free in a candy store.

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Jun 26, 2010
Making plans to visit...
by: Kelley

I am traveling back to Jamaica for the fourth time this winter and because of your excellent description I'm making plans to check out YS Falls! Thanks Deborah!

May 01, 2009
Sounds Great
by: Anonymous

That really sounds good.

Feb 05, 2009
re: YS Falls
by: Anonymous

You described your experience so vividly - i saw it and want to go back there :) sounds like u had a fabulous time - thanks for sharing.

Jan 23, 2009
That was amazing Deb
by: Wellesley

Excellent Post Deb. Thanks

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