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The PNP Wins 2011 Jamaica Elections Convincingly


Portia Simpson Miller -Jamaica's PNP Leader<br><font size=1>Soure: Go Jamaica</font>

Portia Simpson Miller -Jamaica's PNP Leader
Soure: Go Jamaica

It's official! The opposition People's National Party has won the 2011 elections here in Jamaica by a convincing margin.

The initial count shows that they were successful in 41 of the 63 seats. The JLP managed only 22.

However with that said, this election recorded one of the lowest voter turnout -as only 41% of voters turned out to cast their ballots - based on earlier reports.

Party Leader and Prime Minister designate, Portia Simpson Miller, who was very emotional in the beginning of her victory speech, delivered a controlled and conciliatory response.

She started by reciting Psalm 19 vs 14:

"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

She went on to thank the people and the little children that greeted her on the campaign trail.

In a speech punctuated by timely & related songs by the party's DJ, she thanked the outgoing Prime Minister, Andrew Hollness for calling and congratulating her earlier.

She went on to thank the other Caricom leaders who called, the party supporters, the media and the security forces.

She indicated that all Jamaica, including business people and investors now have a government that can be trusted.

She commended all her candidates and made special mentions, including some that made upsets and some that lost. She also asked her supporters to embraced the losing party supporters who are now saddened.

This result surprised many, including perhaps the PNP themselves! The were optimistic of victory, but certainly not by this margin.

Political commentators have attributed this victory mainly in part to the party's local organization on the voting day; they were the party that clearly was able to get their core voters out when it matters most, election day.

All the pollsters were basically predicting a close election, with the veteran Don Anderson the only one bravely predicting a PNP win. He was surely vindicated today as he was under tremendous pressure.

None of the third parties won a seat.

The honeymoon period will have to be brief for the PNP though, as with a tough(er) global economic climate looming, high unemployment, increasing poverty, and great demands for economic stability, they will be hard-pressed to deliver on their promises of a brighter and more prosperous Jamaica for all. congratulates the PNP and Ms Portia Simpson-Miller on their victory and wish for them the best in governance.

1: Jamaica 2011 election preparations update
2: The 2007 election results

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Jan 12, 2012
by: Paulette

I was home for Christmas, hence I was there for the election, to God be the glory this has been one of the most peaceful election I have seen in years CONGRATULATIONS Sis.P

Jan 03, 2012
by: Anonymous

I have nothing to do with them whose ever win get there fair try . i do not vote for no party so that all i have to say God be with you.

Jan 02, 2012
Investing in Jamaica
by: Luke Wright


It's very difficult to remain impartial in today's political climate,but that's generally been my personal philosophy.

If indeed as predicted the situation will truly making investing in Jamaica more feasible in the future, I will definitely stand behind the results!

Dec 30, 2011
Seasions Greetings My Jamaican Family
by: Brenton

Congratulations to the Peoples National party for there electoral victory in this election called during the holiday season of 2011! There were those who thought it inapropriate for the new JLP prime minister to have done this, given our history during election times.

I must however also congratulate the now leader of the opposition Andrew Holness for using this period where people are in a joyous mood during this holiday peroid to hold an election that was free from the fears some had of impending violence throughout.

Prime minister Portia Simpson-Miller being the first female PM on the island has now been given a mandate by the voting public, ironically both party leaders were in this election to be emphatically mandated by the voters, but Portia got herself a second bite of the Cherry.

So, let us all as Jamaicans throughout the Diaspora give her the kind of support she deserve for her perseverence as a strong Jamaican Woman.

Let us not make Nanny our only female National Hero.

Dec 30, 2011
Unity is strength
by: John Blenkiron

I pray that the losing party members accept the results with grace and that the parties work together at the common purpose of moving towards the goal of economic recovery of the nation. The national debt is crippling Jamaica and the IMF strictures of the past combined with unfair trade policies have handicapped a nation that deserves its place as the jewel of the Caribbean.

Let us remember the refrain of the national anthem, "Jamaica, Land We Love".

Dec 30, 2011
J / A Elections
by: Anonymous

Happy, Happy , Happy-Congratulations !!!

To: P/M who is also a family member


Dec 30, 2011
Elections 2011
by: Sarah

congratulations to the winning party.God does what he seems best.Nobody can fight him.We all need to work together for the good of the country.

Dec 30, 2011
by: Anonymous

Congratulation to the new leader. Please let us continue to pray for her and the peace of Jamaica.

Dec 30, 2011
by: barbara

The poles have spoken. As Jamaicans it is time for us to join talents, hearts, ability, and self to get our beautiful island on track to great outcomes. Potential is here, education is here, skill is here, it is now time to move on to set a psitive record for the next fifty years. All MPs must work together not for their mandate but for the mandate of the country. One love!

Dec 30, 2011
The Vote 2011
by: Camille

yes Wellesley the elections result does mean something to me - this is a wake up call for all those non-working Members of Parliment who we see only once during their tenure, heck, some of us done even know who our MPs are until elections come around. Take care of your constituency (people) and they will be there for you!!!

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