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Jamaican Rum Cupcake Recipe

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cupcakes_recipes_by_carinaJamaican Rum Cupcake (Photo: Recipes By Carina)

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

By now I am sure you can tell that Jamaicans love rum and use it in many of our pastries and drinks. One of the most popular is the Jamaican rum cake, oftentimes confused with the Jamaican black cake (which, admittedly has rum as well).

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Originally the Jamaican rum cake was pretty much a plain cake with rum, but now the rum cake has evolved, you can now find chocolate rum cake, coconut rum cake and many other flavours. But what about some rum cupcakes? I think cupcakes are better than cakes, and here’s why I think so.

Compared to cakes, cupcakes are much easier to make. A cake needs to be baked for 35–40 minutes while your cupcakes will be done in 20 minutes tops. Cupcakes can also be more easily decorated because of their limited surface area.

Cupcakes are a disguised godsend for those who always have a sweet tooth, like me. Cupcakes have an average calorie and fat content of 105 and 4 grams, compared to 245 and 14 grams in one piece of cake, making them the perfect food for dieters. They are, in fact, the healthier choice.

Because cupcakes are reasonably sized, they are very simple to split out in servings (simply grab one on the go), and they are also very easy to travel. In addition, you get to skip the cake-cutting ceremony. Just blow out a candle (or don't) and swallow it whole.

For this recipe, even though it is technically a plain rum cupcake, I switch out the plain rum for coconut rum, which is just white rum with coconut extract. I use the Wray and Nephew Coco Mania coconut-flavoured rum, which adds much more flavour and sweetness to the cupcakes.

Jamaican Rum Cupcake Recipe


  • 2 1/4 cups flour
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 1/4 cups sugar
  • 1/2 cup soft butter
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup rum (you can use any rum you like but for this recipe, I recommend Jamaican coconut rum)


  1. The oven must first be preheated at 325 degrees Fahrenheit (165 degrees Celsius)
  2. Your cupcake pans should be greased and floured or lined with cupcake wrappers.
  3. To your bowl, add flour, butter, cornstarch, baking powder, salt, sugar, and oil. Start mixing on low speed and continue until the butter and oil are completely combined. At this point, your mixture should appear crumbly.
  4. Add the eggs one at a time, cracking each one as you go, and continue mixing until the mixture has the consistency of crumbly sand. After adding each egg, you might need to scrape the sides of a standing mixer.
  5. When the batter is smooth, add the rum and vanilla extract.
  6. If you have one, use an ice cream scoop to add one scoop of batter to each or use a spoon to fill each cupcake wrapper ⅔ of the way.
  7. Bake until done,15 to 20 minutes, and do a toothpick test to make sure it’s ready by simply sticking a toothpick in the centre of the cupcake. If the toothpick comes away clean, your cupcakes are ready, if not, give them another 5 minutes.
  8. Douse the cupcakes with some more coconut rum and cover them with a dish towel to keep them moist as they cool down and you prepare your frosting.

What good is a cupcake without an equally good frosting? This buttercream rum frosting recipe is perfect for these delicious Jamaican rum cupcakes.

Cupcake Frosting Recipe


  • ½ cup butter softened
  • 16oz powdered sugar
  • 3 tablespoons coconut rum
  • 3 tablespoons milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Using an electric mixer, whip butter until creamy at medium speed. Add 1 cup powdered sugar gradually and beat until combined. Beat in the rum, cream, and vanilla after adding them. Add the remaining powdered sugar gradually.
  2. Place in a piping bag and use to decorate the cupcakes.

There you have it, a delicious rum cupcake recipe. Remember, take it easy with the rum! or don’t. It’s totally up to you.

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References & Sources For Jamaican Rum Cupcake

  1. Jamaican rum cake from scratch (no date) My Island Jamaica. Available at: (Accessed: January 6, 2023).
  2. Rawat, A. (2020) Five reasons why cupcakes are better than cakes - FNP - official blog, FNP. Available at:,quite%20literally%2C%20the%20healthier%20option.&text=Cupcakes%20are%20highly%20instrumental%20when%20it%20comes%20to%20surprises (Accessed: January 6, 2023).
  3. Rum Buttercream Frosting Recipe (no date) MyRecipes. Available at: (Accessed: January 6, 2023).

Jamaican Rum Cupcake | Written: January 6, 2023

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