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Tasty Jamaican Plantain
by Rose-Marie Gordon-Cole
Ripe, green, fried, cooked, baked, grated, blended; this list speaks of the versatility and wholesomeness of the Jamaican plantain. It’s hard to get bored with something that can be served in so many different styles.
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Plantain, a sibling to the banana just a bit bigger, and though not indigenous to Jamaica is an important part of the Jamaican diet.
There is no Sunday rice and peas without fried ripe plantains on the side. It is also a popular part of many morning breakfasts here as well. Jamaicans, lets say a big thank you to Southeast Asia from whence the plantain cometh :-)
This very low maintenance plant can be found all over the island, and is one of the many crops found in a number of backyards gardens.
The different ways of preparing this fruit is endless, and it is so easy to put a cultural spin on its’ preparation.
Yes, lot's of ways you can prepare plantains. Also, do bear in mind that it's nutrient content is far more than that of the banana and is said to be very low in fat when cooked. It also provides a healthy dose of carbohydrate, dietary fiber and vitamins and minerals.
See: More Pictures of Jamaican Food.
Posted: 08/22/2011
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