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Tasty Jamaican Jerk Wings
How To Make Your Own Tasty Wings!

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Jamaican Jerk Wings | (Photo Credit: Grace Foods)Jamaican Jerk Wings | (Photo Credit: Grace Foods)

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

Jerk meats are tasty, healthy and fun to make. I am of the opinion that chicken wings are the tastiest part of the chicken and combining that with some Jamaican Jerk seasonings and sauce is possibly the best thing I have ever had.

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One of my favourite things about Jamaican jerk wings is how versatile they are. They can be had as finger foods at a party, they make great appetizers and they can also be had as the main dish.

Plus! Everyone loves them, both adults and children alike. Another amazing thing about jerk wings is that they can be had with pretty much any side, from sweet corn, sweet potato fries and pressed plantains to fried breadfruit, rice or even a tossed vegetable salad.

Before we dive into this simple but tasty recipe for Jamaican jerk chicken wings, here are some simple tips that will ensure your wings come out perfectly.

  • Wash your chicken with vinegar, lime juice and water
  • Marinate your chicken wings overnight
  • Use a grill that has a lid, the smoke will add flavour to the chicken
  • Keep a container with additional jerk sauce close by to add moisture if needed
  • While an electric grill is okay, a charcoal grill is the best way to go. The smoke from the charcoal will add a lot of flavour to your chicken wings.

How To Make Jerk Chicken Wings

There are three methods for jerking your chicken wings. The truth is unless you are a jerk chicken fanatic like myself you won’t be able to truly detect the difference in the way the chicken wing is prepared. But each method does give it a slightly different flavour. 

The first way is to pre-cook your chicken wings by placing them in an oven for about 30 minutes. This will ensure that your chicken is done quickly on the grill. Once that is done you would use your grill whether electric or charcoal grill to jerk your chicken.

The second method is to do your jerk chicken in the oven, this is the fastest way to get your jerk chicken done and it does not require a lot of attention. 

The final way and this is not only the traditional method but also the best way to jerk anything, not just your chicken wings, is to use a charcoal grill. The smoke from the charcoal will add a lot of flavour and if you can get your hands on some pimento tree branches to add to your grill, you will be guaranteed to have some of the best tasting Jamaican jerk wings you have ever had.

Jamaican Jerk Chicken Wings



  1. The first thing you need to do is wash and clean your chicken with lime, lemon juice, vinegar or a combination. Do not separate the chicken wings into drums and flats.
  2. In a bowl, add your chicken wings then add your wet and dry jerk seasonings. You can add additional seasonings such as garlic powder, paprika, and salt at this time as well. 
  3. Use your hands to mix in the seasonings well. Make sure to rub in the seasonings well, under the skin as well, then cover the bowl with a cling wrap and refrigerate overnight to marinate. 
  4. The next step is to get those wings on the grill, this will typically take up to 45 minutes to an hour but depends on the size of your chicken wings as well. Within that time flip your wings every 15 minutes and use some of your jerk sauce to base the wings.
  5. Have a thermometer on hand to test when the chicken has reached an internal temperature of 165 degrees, this will let you know that the wings are cooked. However do not remove from the grill until the outside of the wings are crisp, or even slightly charred.
  6. Once the wings are ready, you can now chop them into drums and flats if you desire to do so.

Serve up your Jamaican jerk chicken wings with some rice and peas, fried ripe plantain and some vegetable salad for the perfect meal.

While I am sure you are excited to try this for yourself, do not expect perfection on your first try, even the man selling jerk chicken on the corner for over 20 years, still makes mistakes every now and then.

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References & Sources For Jamaican Jerk Wings

  1. Simple Jamaican Jerk Chicken Wings Recipe,

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