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Powerful Jamaican Herbs For Herpes

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jamaican leaf of life plantJamaican Herbs | Leaf-Of-Life plant

From direct emails to comments on my website and YouTube channel videos (eg. this market video), many of my readers have been expressing a keen interest in  Jamaican herbs.

Today I am super excited to announce a 'healthy' new collaboration with Maureen Minto,  Naturopathic Consultant here in Jamaica.

Sister Minto, as she is affectionately called, has been in the industry for years, and can write a book just on testimonials!

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In addition to weekly columns  in some of the top newspapers and programs on Mello FM an NCU FM, she also host her now radio program where she speaks on  Healthy Living - The Natural Way.

Today, I'll feature one of her recent publication, an article on Jamaican herbs for herpes.

The Effect Of Herpes

In some places in the world, one out every six women has this virus. Atlanta, is said to be the herpes capital of the world with 80% of its women are infected at some point with this harmful disease. 

Viruses, fungi and bacteria are generally referred to as microorganisms have been attacking man for a very long time. They infect the scalp, skin, mucous membranes, nails, between the toes or internal surfaces such as the colon. Once they enter our bodies, our bodies’ defense force, the immune system, becomes engaged in the work of destroying the virus. 

Lately, I've seen an increase in young men of all ages, desiring to fulfill their roles as fathers,  seeking herbal medicine that they believe will heal them of the dreaded herpes virus.

The Center For Disease Control and Prevention says, ‘You can get herpes from an infected partner who does not have any visible sores or who may not know he or she is infected because the virus can be released through your skin and spread the infection to your partner during intercourse.

Often, herpes infection affects the health of a woman’s womb, causing miscarriages or premature births. Babies born to mothers with the herpes virus may end up with eye or ear problems. 

Today, more than 20 percent of our population presently have herpes virus, which is of eight different types, even though they may not carry any signs or symptoms.

Today, scientists are learning ways of removing the virus that habitually hide themselves in nerve cells. These viruses will travel along nerve cells to the skin when the immune system is weak and cause blisters and sores and the growth of more viruses.

It is also harmful to internal organs, causing 20 percent of the annual deaths. 

How do you know if you have the virus? 

The following are some of the common symptoms that may be experienced if you are infected by the herpes simplex virus.

  • Pimples or ingrown hairs on genitals, anus or mouth. 
  • Smelly genital discharge 
  • Burning with urination 
  • Bleeding between periods &
  • Flu-like symptoms 

Useful Recommendations

In general, the best way to protect against microorganisms and prevent these diseases is to build the immune system.

Regarding this disease, here are some additional useful recommendations:

  • Decrease your intake of mucous-forming and acid forming foods such a meat, dairy products, white rice and white bread.

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Remember that it takes as much as 6 oranges to provide your ‘body with its daily need of vitamin C. 

  • Avoid artificial or man-made food additives, colourings, seasoning and preservatives. Increase your fluid intake. Learn to handle stress especially emotional stress. 

  • Develop an exercise programme. 

  • Get enough sleep and avoid stress  &, yes,

  • Stick to one faithful partner . 


There are many great god-given herbs, but my favourite single herb for building the immune system and protecting against microorganisms, including herpes is...

The Leaf-of-Life (pictured above)

It can be accompanied by other powerful herbs such as:

  • Vervine,
  • Fever Grass
  • Search Mi Heart, and
  •  ‘Jack in a Bush’. 

By the way, note that herpes virus is contagious. If you touch their sores and touch your eyes, you can transfer virus in the fluids from the sores to the eyes or other parts of the body.

We are thankful that our father and creator has created herbs that heal all types of STD's, herbs that will rebuild the nerve cells and remove viruses while cleansing the blood, liver, kidney and skin.

Herbal medicine will build the immune system and free man of disease. It has happened before with gonorrhea and syphilis. It is happening today with all types of STD's, whether natural or man-made . 

For more information, contact Healthy Living Herbal Clinic 1(876) 940-1197 Or 1(876) 420-0173 or email:

Watch Video! LIVE Herb Tour In the Hanover Hills

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