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Surpsing Health Benefits Of Jamaican Dog Blood Bush

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jamaican_dog_blood_herb_with_berriesJamaican Dog Blood Bush

The topographic masterpiece that is Jamaica is not just pleasing to the eye (although we thoroughly enjoy that.) The lush mountains and cool, serene valleys also provide a home to many a natural wonder found on our island. One such marvel is the Jamaican Dog Blood Bush, a plant deeply rooted in our island’s herbal traditions. Known scientifically as Rivina humilis, this plant is celebrated for its vivid appearances but also its medicinal properties that have been revered for generations.

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The Jamaican Dog Blood Bush is integral to our island’s culture. Our local herbalists and traditional medicine practitioners have utilised this plant for various ailments, passing down their knowledge through many generations. With its distinctive clusters of small, white flowers, the Dog Blood Bush is a sight to behold. The plant gets its intriguing name from its bright red berries, resembling drops of blood, creating a visually striking contrast against the green foliage.


Rivina humilis is not just a visual spectacle with its vibrant red stems and berries; it's also a powerhouse of medicinal properties deeply cherished in Jamaican folk medicine. Here’s a closer look at its remarkable health benefits:

  • Skin Health:- The Dog Blood Bush has potent anti-inflammatory properties, making it invaluable for treating skin conditions like rashes, eczema, and even minor wounds. Its application helps soothe irritation and promotes faster healing.

  • Blood Purification:- Traditionally, this bush is considered a natural blood purifier. Regular consumption is believed to detoxify the blood, promoting overall health and vitality. It aids in flushing out toxins, ensuring your bloodstream remains clean and efficient.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties:- Studies have indicated the plant’s anti-inflammatory effects, making it effective in reducing inflammation-related discomfort. This property is particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from arthritis or joint pains.

  • Antioxidant Rich:- Dog Blood Bush is laden with antioxidants. These compounds help combat free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress. Lowering oxidative stress is crucial for preventing chronic diseases and promoting longevity.

  • Digestive Aid:- In Jamaican traditional medicine, this bush is often used as a digestive aid. It helps in soothing the digestive tract and relieving issues like indigestion and bloating.

  • Immune Boosting:- Packed with vitamins and minerals, the Dog Blood Bush is known to boost the immune system. A robust immune system is vital for warding off infections and maintaining overall well-being.

While we do use dog blood bush for many things it is most popularly used by women experiencing a range a of feminine issues which I am about to share with you. However, men no need to feel left out as the Dog Blood Bush is also used to reduce inflammation in the prostate. Along with clearing blocked tubes and decreasing fibroids and cysts, the herb is used for:

1. Fertility Boosting
Dog Blood Bush is often cited in traditional Jamaican practices as a natural aid for women trying to conceive. It is believed to enhance fertility, although scientific studies supporting this claim are limited.

2. Menstrual Cramps
For generations, Jamaican women have used Dog Blood Bush to alleviate menstrual cramps. Its anti-inflammatory properties may help in reducing the intensity of cramps, providing relief during menstruation.

3. Fibroids Management
While scientific evidence is scarce, some women have reported relief from the symptoms of fibroids, such as excessive bleeding and pelvic pain, through the use of Dog Blood Bush. Its purported anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties are believed to contribute to this.

4. Hormonal Balance
Traditional Jamaican medicine suggests that Dog Blood Bush can help in balancing hormones. Hormonal imbalances can lead to various menstrual issues, and this plant is believed to address these imbalances naturally.

While the Jamaican Dog Blood Bush is deeply embedded in our traditional practices, its application for fertility, fibroids, and menstrual issues should be approached with careful consideration and preferably under the guidance of a healthcare provider. Scientific research on its efficacy and safety in these specific areas is limited. Consulting a healthcare professional before using it for managing feminine issues is strongly advisable.

On a positive note, the Dog Blood Bush has caught the attention of modern researchers and studies have explored its potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, aligning with the knowledge passed down through our generations.


Incorporating Dog Blood Bush into your lifestyle, whether through teas or topical applications, can be a natural way to enhance your health and well-being. However, always consult with a healthcare professional before using it for medicinal purposes to ensure it aligns with your specific health needs.

We are delighted to announce that we now have the Jamaican dog blood available on our e-store for sale, 100% organic and wildcrafted! Check for current discounts here!

Watch Video!
Major Health Benefits Of Dog Blood herb

Here's a short video of me and friend of Yitshar Blends exploring the wonders of this magical herb.

And there's more! Be sure to see our comprehensive article on the 101 most potent medicinal herbs in Jamaica here

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References & Sources For Jamaican Dog Blood Bush

  1. Johnson, O. (2021, October 25). Benefits of Jamaican Dog Blood Herb, Fertility Support. Jahno Herbs.

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