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American Couple Develops A Thriving Jamaican Goat Farm After Close To 40 Yearly Visits!
Here's A Jamaican 'Love Story' Of Ruth And Byron

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tame_goats_in_jamaicaGlenda @ Ruby Goat Diary | Jamaican Goat Farm

By Wellesley Gayle

They visited Jamaica for close to 40 years and their love for the country grew even more! So they decided to make it home.

But what would they do?

This is the story, I call it a love story, of Ruth and Byron's unique Jamaican Goat Farm, called Ruby Goat Dairy.

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Byron, by the way, is one of my most ardent readers and I didn't even realize, but sometime last year, he reached out to me, commending me for what I do and also bringing me up to speed on his goat farm business here.

I was impressed! Long story short, I agreed to visit soon!

And so, I finally made it - and was amazed by what they do.

But not only that, I love the spirit that emanates there. The kindness, the passion, the love and understanding between them and their employees is something to behold.

A Dairy Goat Farm? What's The Inspiration

Ok, so let's back up a bit.

Their first love is Jamaica, and both Byron and Ruth made it clear to me in their individual interview (video below).

As I mentioned earlier, they have visited Jamaica scores of time, Ruth close to 40 and Byron close to 30 and absolutely adore the island; they wanted to make it home!

But what would they do here?

Well Jamaica has an abundance of resources, and goats, which they observed everyday on the streets, happens to be one of them.

So the interest began! Through their investigation, they also noted that, despite the proliferation of goats here, there was no goats' milk on the shelves, and even worst, the bi-products!


Today, what was meant to be just an activity to keep them earning while enjoying Jamaica has blossomed into a thriving business that has not only been making an impression on the community they reside, but the entire Jamaica.

The Walk Through & Interview

Byron and Kingsley took me for a most interesting walkthrough.

Now, I grew up having goats back in Westmoreland, lots of them, but all this was a different kind of learning.

From feeding, securing and milking the goats, to pasteurizing the milk and converting to cheeze, chocolate milk, yogurts and soaps, I have a fresh new learning and appreciation for all things goats!

And can I tell you that they had absolutely no idea of the business of goats and diary prior to this? Oh yeah, but they learned along the way.

That's a major learning for the rest of us!

You really don't have to learn everything before you start, but have an attitude for learning and development.

So yes, I figured you'd be interested, so I have not only pictures, but I also have a full video (link below) capturing the most of what I saw and learned.

Pictures From Ruby Goat Dairy | Jamaican Goat Farm


Feeding Time


Aren't They Adorable?

glenda_drinking_red_stripeGlenda Cooling Down With A Red Stripe Beer

And The Goat Milking Process?


The Products


And one more thing...

Here's The Video! 

The full YouTube Video, with highlights of the Goat Farm Tour is below.
Just click the PLAY button below and enjoy!

I Should Tell You!

  • RUBY is actually a merger of parts of both their names, RUth and BYron.

  • They don't just do milk and regular cheese, there is also yogurt, cheese cake, feta cheese, halloumi cheese, ricotta cheese, chevre delight, a greek sauce, caramel and several of varieties of cheese.

  • Their products are now distributed all across the island, including designated distributors in Kingston and Montego Bay.

  • Byron is not quite sure about exporting at this time. According to him, they already have their hands full in what was meant to be a small retirement project.

  • Byron and his wife take an active part in the continued learning of their staff through offside adult education programs.

  • They also sell the goat manure, actually Kingsley's business. It is said to be richer and safer (it doesn't burn plants) than other animal's.

Originally Posted: June 13, 2020.

Directions To The Ruby Goat Farm

They are in Carey park; past Falmouth, just before Duncans on the way from Montego Bay. Byron however asked that you to reach out to him, link below, for more detailed directions.

Contact Info For Ruby Goat Dairy

Currently because of Covid-19, they have suspended visits. However, at a later point, if you are looking to visit, or perhaps require additional information, please complete the form below to directly email Byron and Ruth.

They will get back in touch with you shortly.

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

You may also reach them at:

Address: Carey Park, Trelawny, Jamaica
Phone: (876) 492-1010 / (876) 344-8611


As usual, I welcome your comments (link below)

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