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Is It A Good Time To Visit Jamaica In April?
What To Do In April In Jamaica?

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jamaica_carnival_kingston_road_march.jpgIs It A Good Time To Visit Jamaica In April?

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

Are you considering visiting Jamaica in April? Well, it is the perfect time! It is the end of the dry season and peak tourist season. Not only that, there are tons of events happening as well.

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Why is April a great time to visit Jamaica?

Firstly, the weather. During April, the temperature usually rises slightly, with daytime highs averaging around 84 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime lows around 69 degrees Fahrenheit. As far as beach weather goes, this is perfect.

This is also a great time for you to go out and enjoy other daytime activities like adventure parks or cultural tours. Then, by nightfall, put on your dancing shoes and head to any of our vibrant clubs. It's important to remember that Jamaica frequently has a spike in student travel throughout March and April due to the US spring break holiday, which may result in heavier crowds at popular spots.

So what else is there…? The food! Delicious food is available year-round for the most part. But, you know what isn’t? Our fruits. Do you like fresh fruit with your breakfast? I certainly do. Fruits are seasonal, meaning certain fruits are only available during certain times of the year.

Naseberry, or “neez-berry”, as Jamaicans say, is as delicious as it is scarce. Also known as sapodilla in other countries, this fruit is only available from March to May each year.

The Otaheite apple is nearly pear-shaped, with a snow-white interior and a deep crimson exterior. In the centre, there is a firm seed. June, July, and April are the fruit-bearing months for these apples.

Sweetsop—As it ripens, this fruit becomes softer and easier to break, exposing white flesh that covers dark seeds. You must remove the seed flesh to savour this delicacy. Avoid attempting to be sophisticated in any way.

Holidays are very much anticipated in Jamaica and to everyone’s luck, there is 1 in April, Easter. Jamaicans place great importance on public holidays, often resulting in minimal business activities. Many businesses may close early on the day preceding public holidays. Public beaches tend to be extremely crowded during these periods.

Easter is a significant celebration in Jamaica. Stores typically close early on Holy Thursday, the day preceding Good Friday, a public holiday, as is Easter Monday, occurring on the Monday following Easter Sunday.

Over time, Easter in Jamaica has evolved from a solemn holiday with minimal business or secular activities to a period characterised by numerous festive parties, although business operations remain minimal.

With that being said, let’s get into the most exciting part of Jamaica in April. The events and there are many of them.

Easter Sunrise Concert

For over 30 years, the National Theater Dance Company (NDTC) and the Little Theatre Movement have performed a unique Easter Sunday program that combines Black spirituals, Native American spiritual music, Jamaican revival, ritual chants, South African praise songs, and Europe's liturgical music.

This diverse and engaging performance provides the audience with a sense of fulfilment in observing the Easter mood of resurrection, renewal, and spiritual upliftment, ensuring a spiritually stimulating experience for the audience.

Carnival in Jamaica – Bacchanal

Carnival season! Carnival season lasts for about 6 weeks, ending in April. Carnival in Jamaica is much different from else where and people travel from all over the Globe every year just to participate. The event originated in Kingston, which is where the well known Sunday March is held each year. There are usually smaller events in other locations in Montego Bay and Ocho Rios. The Ocho Rios Carnival March event is usually held on Easter Monday and while not as extravagant as Kingston's, it has been steadily growing over the years. 

Jamaica International Kite Festival

Every year, this event gains more and more popularity. A festival wouldn't be the same without food and music, even though kite building and flying are the main attractions.

Jamaica Pantomime

The theatre season in Jamaica takes place from December to May. A staple of the season, the national pantomime has been performed every year since the 1940s. A pantomime is a play that mainly consists of a musical comedy with sarcastic references to politics, historical events, folklore, and Jamaican culture.

Usually, the sets and costumes are vivid, imaginative, and colourful. The dialogue is mainly in Patois, thus it could be challenging for foreigners to follow along. The pantomime welcomes patrons of all ages and backgrounds, however, the majority of Jamaican performances are intended for older audiences.

International Jazz Appreciation Day

April is National Jazz Month. The 30th of April was declared International Jazz Day by UNESCO in 2011. On International Jazz Day, don't miss a concert staged by the Edna Marley Center for the Visual & Performing Arts.

With so many exciting things to do, I am sure you are now looking forward to visiting Jamaica in April.

Ready to book your trip but, your budget is a little tight?

Our E-book, Jamaica On A Budget, is the perfect guide for planning your trip to Jamaica and ensuring you don’t miss out on anything, regardless of how tight your budget is. Then, through our partnership with stay22, you can book with us for even more amazing savings.

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References & Sources For Is It A Good Time To Visit Jamaica In April?

  1. What’s it like to visit Jamaica in April? updated for 2024 (2023a) Mais Oui Villa. Available at:,%2C%20concerts%2C%20and%20street%20parades (Accessed: 07 April 2024).
  2. What’s it like to visit Jamaica in April? updated for 2024 (2023b) Mais Oui Villa. Available at: (Accessed: 07 April 2024).
  3. When is the best time to visit Jamaica? (no date) Trip Canvas. Available at: (Accessed: 07 April 2024).

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