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Jamaican Daggering
The Dance & It's Social Concerns

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Jamaican Daggering
Contributed by Deon Clarke

Do you love to dance or go clubbing?  Well, if you’re in Jamaica, you might just find daggering to be an interesting, unconventional way to dance and learn new moves. 

But, can you handle it?  That’s another question.

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What you find might shock you! This is not your traditional dance move nor is it for the faint of heart.  Probably you’ve heard of the movie “Dirty Dancing”? Now you’re getting the picture.  It might be fun but is extremely dangerous!

Born out of the dance hall music culture since 2006, "daggering"  is best described as a popular dance move which involves a man and a woman dancing in a sexually provocative manner, and usually in a very aggressive manner. 

Although this kind of dancing has been present in Jamaica for many years, the term “daggering” was ascribed to it in recent years, gaining momentum as it is made popular by various dance hall artistes and music videos.  It is aggressive gyrating right before your very eyes!

You might want to jump out of the way as things could get really intense.

Social Concerns

Now that you get the picture, you probably realized that there would be a number of issues where this type of activity is concerned. Let’s take a closer look.

  • Impact on Society

    In light of the popularity of this dance and it’s suggestive nature, the Jamaican government decided to take an unprecedented approach to place a ban on all songs and videos containing obvious sexually explicit content that would be played on TV and radio stations.  No content or material that promotes or suggests the act of daggering should be played on mainstream media.

    This has caused much controversy among patrons and artistes alike as they feel it is a violation of their freedom of speech or expression. 

  • Morality

    At the same time, many persons are offended by this lewd public display of affection through this dancing practice.  Many argue that it is unhealthy for children to be exposed to this type of behaviour due to the impact on their innocent impressionable minds.

    Some find it very disturbing and conclude that it helps to contribute to the moral decline in values and attitudes in the Jamaican society today.|

  • Health and Safety

    Doctors have had their hands full of male patients who have suffered from the after effects of engaging in this dangerous practice. 

    Once you go daggering, there is a high possibility that you could end up with a broken or fractured penis, or penis tissue damage which could be permanent. Doctors have urged persons to take this as a serious matter. 

    Female participants do not seem to be physically affected much from this dance. Males, I would say, it is in your best interest to heed the doctor’s advice. Better to be safe than sorry, don’t you think?

The Future of Daggering Dance?

Despite the government ban and the dangers involved, daggering is still alive and well and doesn’t seem like it will end anytime soon.

Club and dance hall patrons can’t seem to get enough of it. You can find many videos posted on YouTube with daggering moves.

You can also be sure to find daggering at local clubs, parties, nine-nights, set-ups, dance competitions, and just about any musical event going on.

So if you’re visiting Jamaica and you go clubbing or even a party, don’t be surprised when you come across all this gyrating and frantic movements.

Like it or not, it’s just the way clubbers and party fans have fun these days.

VIDEO! Watch Jamaican Daggering 

Because of the gross and explicit nature of this dance, we decided not to show it here.  However, it you are mature enough to watch, you can, click here to watch on

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  • "Daggering" Trend,
  • Daggering in Jamaica,

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