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Jamaican Duckunoo (Blue Draws or Tie-A-Leaf)


Jamaican Dukunu (Blue Draws)

Jamaican Dukunu (Blue Draws)

Blue Draws,Duckunoo or Tie-A-Leaf are the names that are given to this boiled pudding, which orginanated in West Africa.

This sweet treat is a starchy, green banana-based boiled pudding, which is predominantly enjoyed as a dessert. However, it can be incorporated as a snack.

It is suggested that ones you start eating it, it will be hard to stop. Don't take our word for it, try it for yourself!


  1. 3 cups grated green bananas
  2. 1 cup grated coconut
  3. 2.5 cups grated sweet potatoes
  4. 1 cup flour
  5. 1 tsp. baking powder
  6. 1 tsp. salt
  7. 1 tsp vanilla
  8. 1 tsp mixed spice
  9. 2 cups coconut milk
  10. 1 1/2 cups brown sugar


  • Mix all ingredients together.
  • Place one cup mixture on to quailed banana leaves.
  • Wrap and tie with string or banana bark..
  • Put the small parcels into enough boiling water to cover
  • Cook for one (1) hour.

Take from pot, cool and serve.

Serves 8.

Source: One Stop Driva (Jamaica Observer)

See also: Tasty Jamaican Desserts

Comments for Jamaican Duckunoo (Blue Draws or Tie-A-Leaf)

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Oct 02, 2016
by: Anonymous

Yes I remember Duckunoo and I think my grandmother made the best ones I've ever had. It has been many many years since I have eaten Duckunoo. Thanks for the recipe I will try making it one of these days.

Sep 30, 2016
Origin Ghana, West Africa
by: yedidah

Do you know that this is a Ghanaian dish and it has the same name today in Ghana: Dukunoo

Sep 30, 2016
by: D.Pal

Yes I remember the taste of blue draws very well!
My Father was a banana farmer among other things, so we always had plenty of green bananas to spare.
I also remember that these tie leafs instead of being boiled, could also be baked buried under hot wood ash with a wood fire burning on top of them!
In this case, I cannot remember with what you would have used to tie the leaves .

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