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Jamaica National Bank
14 Decades of Service Here and Abroad

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jn_bank_half_way_tree_facebookJamaica National Bank | Half Way Tree (Photo: Facebook)

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

With over 14 decades of history in Jamaica and abroad, The Jamaica National Group Limited is one of Jamaica's leading and most renowned businesses. The group is made up of a number of globally renowned companies that offer a wide range of financial, technological, creative, and fleet management services, among other things.

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The 142-year-old Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS) underwent a restructuring on February 1 and was replaced by The Jamaica National Group. The Society's deposit-taking division was transformed into JN Bank, Jamaica's third-largest commercial bank in Jamaica.

The Jamaica National Group, like its predecessor, JNBS, will make sure that the Group continues to perform at a high level among mixed conglomerates in the area and that its success directly helps the people and communities that its subsidiaries serve.

The JN Group is dedicated to the prosperity and advancement of its members while utilising business as a force for good to collectively enhance Jamaicans' lives wherever they may reside.


The businesses in The Jamaica National Group that offer financial services are:

  • JN Bank Limited
  • JN General Insurance Company Limited (JNGI)
  • JN Fund Managers Limited (JNFM)
  • JN Life Insurance Company Limited (JN Life)
  • JN Money Services Limited (JNMS)
  • JN Small Business Loans Limited (JNSBL)
  • JN Cayman

Jamaican Money Transfer is the remittance service offered by the JN Group. Many Jamaicans abroad utilise this service to send money back to their families back home. Remittances is also one of the largest contributors to Jamaica's economy.

The non-financial holding company and parent of The Jamaica National Group's unregulated subsidiaries are The MCS Group Limited. The Group's offerings go beyond financial services and encompass the following businesses:

  • Jamaica Automobile Association (Services) Limited (JAA)
  • JN Properties Limited
  • Management Control Systems Limited (MC Systems)
  • Total Credit Service (TCS) Limited
  • The Creative Unit Limited (TCU)

Jamaica National Bank Limited

First cooperatively owned commercial bank in Jamaica, JN Bank is owned entirely by its customers, including borrowers and savers.

JN Bank is supported by nearly a century and a half of rich history and legacy, which it continues to build on as a part of The Jamaica National Group, and is revitalized with the values and principles of its predecessor, the Jamaica National Building Society.

JN Bank, Jamaica's top private mortgage provider, is dedicated to ensuring Jamaicans' success through audacious ideas, self-assured solutions, and exceptional experiences.

JN BANK, a bank owned by the people, is aware of Jamaicans' needs, aspirations, and motivations. Therefore, they design their goods and services to help their clients reach their financial goals.

Services Offered

Jamaica National Bank offers several different services. Including both personal and Business services. Personal services include:


There are several types of savings accounts offered:

  • Regular Savings- a savings account created to encourage interest-bearing savings toward objectives and milestones.

  • Fixed Deposits- long-term, tax-free savings account with a fixed interest rate that increases in accordance with the amount you deposit.

  • Contractual Savings- Reach your objectives with saving strategies created particularly for you.

Chequing Accounts are offered by the bank as well, and while it is not as popular as savings accounts, it is still the choice for many. Here are the different types of savings accounts offered by the bank:

  • Smart Chequing- Utilize funds from your normal savings account to finance
  • Go Green Chequing- Make transactions solely at ATMs and online
  • Everyday Chequing- a checking account for personal use for daily transactions

Mortgage services include:

  • Residential Mortgages
  • Mortgage Switch
  • Mortgage Experts
  • Mortgage Calculators
  • Approved Surveyors
  • Mortgage Rates

What do you need for a pre-approval mortgage letter from JN Bank:

Personal Loans are another popular service offered by the bank. There are several different types of loans, all with different requirements. These includes:

-Auto Loan
-Auto Loan Sure Cover
-Unsecured Loan
-Personal Unsecured Loan iProtect
-Cash Secured
-Insurance Premium Financing
-Line of Credit

Several other personal services are offered, and credit card service is one of them.

As mentioned above, Jamaica national does not only cater for personal services, they also offer several business services as well. Including:

  • Commercial loans
  • Small business loans
  • Credit cards
  • Business chequing

Jamaica National has 27 locations across the island. Contact them at:

  • Address: JN Bank 2-4 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica
  • Telephone: 888-991-4065/6
  • Email:

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References & Sources For Jamaica National Bank

  1. JN Bank. 2022. JN UK - JN Bank. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 September 2022].
  2. 2022. Banking Services | The Jamaica National Group. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 September 2022].

Jamaica National Bank | Written: September 29, 2022

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