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Jamaica moving people!

by Daniel Neriah
(Kingston Ontario Canada)

Re: What Makes Jamaica Special

The question, why do I like Jamaica, more to the point, why I love her? Seriously, I really do not have an answer.

However, I can start by saying I was born in Jamaica, and she is mother to me. Born somewhere in Roxborough Manchester, I was told, yet to confirm.

Jamaica has a sense of healing in my blood for some reason. When I thought of letting her go, she finds her way back in my life.

There is something about her that heals everyone that set foot on her shores. There is a sense of peace that comes over all those who thinks of her. Further to be part her of her gifts. From the people to the music, to an endless list of things, the unseen, unheard till you put your feet on her ground.

She then comes to you from beneath your feet, and you just light up to your her beauty and all she has to offer.

Jamaica is not to be in competition with any other, for she is "JUST JAMAICA". Sharing life in her fullest glory.

She is your "Body Garden Paradise" for all human inhabitants to enjoy creation.

So, share

-Daniel Neriah aka Bodyz Mekanix

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