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Is Jamaica A Good Place To Live?
Here Are 9 Reasons Why

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mystic_mountain_ocho_rios_jamaicaIs Jamaica A Good Place To Live? | Mystic Mountain Jamaica

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

“Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business”, is the statement for vision 2030 Jamaica. But what about now? Is Jamaica a good place to live?

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Jamaica isn’t the worse place in the world to live, nor is it the best. Like many countries across the globe, this small island has its own issues with crime and violence, poverty and lack of opportunity.

If those are things you can look past or things you don’t believe will directly affect you, Jamaica will probably be like a slice of heaven for you. Here are some things that make Jamaica a good place to live:

1. Weather

jamaicas_weather_climate_march_bogue_hill_viewWeather In March

Jamaica's tropical location and generally continuous warm weather, you won't ever need a winter coat or to change your wardrobe each season. Spend less money on clothing, spend more time outdoors, and you'll load up on Vitamin D, which can help avoid depression, thanks to the year-round, steady sunshine.

The wettest months in Jamaica are May and October, with temperatures ranging from 22 to 33 degrees Celcius. In Jamaica, the “winters” are quite pleasant and mild. If you want to test this theory, visit Jamaica in December.

2. Food

jamaican_food_ackee_jerk_chicken_plantainJamaican Food | Fried Plantains, Jerk Chicken, Ackee and Saltfish

Jamaican food is well-liked worldwide and no other place does it quite like the island itself. Being able to eat wonderful jerk chicken, curry goat, and oxtail regularly is motivation enough to come here and stay.

If you're ever in the mood for an international dish, you can locate restaurants that serve a variety of other cuisines exclusively or in addition to the original Jamaican food.

3. A Sense of Community


Living on an island fosters a sense of community. Knowing some of your neighbours and feeling Jamaica's camaraderie is good. We support each other especially when track and field or musical activities are in season.

And if a Jamaican enters a competition, rest assured we will be supporting them in droves. You can actively participate in Team Jamaica, volunteer work, and community improvement initiatives!

4. Natural Resources

ys_falls_sandalsYs Falls, South Coast | (Photo:

Jamaica, known as the "Land of Wood and Water," is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world due to its abundance of natural resources. Some of the most beautiful beaches, rivers and falls are on the island and if you aren’t interested in water activities, then take to the hills instead.

Enjoy the beauty of nature, you will never get tired of Jamaica's abundance of flora, wildlife, mountain ranges, and other magnificent geographical features.

5. Reggae and Dancehall Music

Living in Jamaica gives you access to the newest music releases as well as local Reggae and Dancehall singers that go on to become well-known internationally. Reggae and Dancehall are acclaimed music genres around the world.

Additionally, you'll probably be among the first to see these performers perform live. Without a question, Jamaica hosts some of the top reggae and dancehall performances throughout the year with some of the most well-known performers.

Also, not every great dancehall or reggae song garners international success although they might be very successful on the island. If you aren’t living in Jamaica or very in tune with the happenings on the island you may miss out on some great music.

6. Cultural Diversity

jamaican_mento_music_band_yardy_vibesMento Band

The motto of Jamaica is "Out of many, one people." One of the great attractions of Jamaica has always been its diverse cultural population.

In Jamaica, people of different ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds are welcome and coexist peacefully. Different religions, cultures, and traditions coexist peacefully throughout the 14 parishes. You won't ever have a feeling of non-belonging.

7. Education

education_in_jamaica_school_boysSchool Children In Uniform

Jamaica has a sound education system from early childhood to university. Most disciplines can be studied in Jamaica from sciences to the arts. Some schools even dedicate their focus to certain areas such as medicine, entertainment, film and agriculture.

Most of our universities are recognised worldwide and there is always an opportunity for a more affordable education at HEART or the many community colleges which are regulated by the Council of community colleges in Jamaica.

It is not uncommon for ex-pats to send their children back to Jamaica for school, especially in their formative years so their children can have a connection to the island and a solid start in their academic journey.

7. Attractions

jamwest_motorsports_adventure_park.jpgJamwest Adventure Park, Negril

There is a historical or tourism interest in every parish in Jamaica. The most notable features of the Jamaican terrain and the hub of pleasure are the beaches, waterfalls, mountains, and several other attractions. Every day, you will be astonished by Jamaica's diversity of natural treasures, including exotic flowers, plants, and wildlife.

8. Recreation

Excellent people, wonderful weather, and delicious cuisine. Everybody can find something to like in Jamaica. Ride a bike, climb a mountain, swim, dance, watch racing, and join neighbourhood groups and societies.

You won't ever have to worry about severe (or cold) weather stopping your outside activities again because the weather is always fantastic!

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References & Sources For Is Jamaica A Good Place To Live?

  1. #JAMAICA: 8 reasons you need to move to Jamaica! (no date) Wihcon. Available at: (Accessed: November 1, 2022).
  2. McLeod, S.-kae (2017) Reasons why you should live in Jamaica at some point in your life, Culture Trip. The Culture Trip. Available at: (Accessed: November 1, 2022).

Is Jamaica A Good Place To Live? | Written: October 31, 2022

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