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by Michael Deslandes
Hugh Sherlock founded the YMCA and the Boys' Town Sports Club town in Jamaica. He was also a social worker,cricketer also a clergy man. He wrote the much loved national anthem of Jamaica. He was a also a champion among underprivileged children.
Editor's Note
Thanks Micahel for submitting father Hugh Sherlock as your Jamaican icon.
Below is an article extracted from the Jamaica Gleaner, written by Karl Goodison in 2008, that provides bit more detail into this great man work, particulary at Boy's Town. I wanted to share it with my readers too...
"Ten years have now passed since the death of Father Hugh Sherlock, founder of Boys' Town in 1940. Father to hundreds of youth in his lifetime, was always a paragon of virtue as he sought to instil sound values and attitudes.
A Methodist minister and man of many letters, including an honorary doctorate, he walked with kings but didn't lose the common touch.
A co-author of the Jamaica National Anthem, Father Sherlock was active in the national movement for independence.
He was the first Third World representative of the World Methodist Council to the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland. His legacy at Boys' Town is formidable as hundreds of graduates continue to make contributions in various fields of endeavour.Instilled discipline
'Father' loved cricket and sports in general and it is well known that he used sports at Boys' Town as the medium to instil discipline and motivate the boys into citizens. Collie Smith, who died in 1959, was a proud product of the institution and remains to this day an outstanding role model.
Father loved cricket. In later years, he embraced football as it speedily overtook the interest of the boys and community. A footballer was added to the club's crest, during the '80s, as only a cricketer, a book and the cross were present. He was around during the triumphant period of the soccer team. Apart from Boys' Town, which most people identify with Father Sherlock, there is no true honour with his name that befits the man and his contribution.
There is Collie Smith Drive, where Boys' Town is situated, so the authorities could probably name the nearby West Road or another educational body as the Hugh Sherlock All-Age, which was across from Boys' Town All-Age. Probably, Trench Town Comprehensive could be named after the great man."
Note: You can also find addition information about his great Jamaican icon at
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by Patricia Parke Bell
(Negril, Jamaica)
Late professor, dancer and a long list of accomplishments.
Webmaster's Note:
Rex was a distinguished Jamaican scholar, social critic, choreographer, and Vice-Chancellor Emeritus of The University of the West Indies (UWI), the leading research university in the Commonwealth Caribbean.
He went to Cornwall College in Montego Bay before going to the University of the Westindies (UWI) to obtain an honours degree in history.
He was a recipient of the 1957 Rhodes Scholarship to Oriel College, Oxford where he received a postgraduate degree in Politics, and returned to Jamaica in the early 1960s to take up a position at the University of the West Indies.
He died on February 2, 2010 but is considered to be one of Jamaica’s brightest sons and cultural icon. For the full biography of Dr. Nettleford, please see this Wikipedia article .
by romel
(indiana, usa)
Keith Anthony Morrison is a Jamaican-born painter, educator, critic, curator and administrator.
Morrison served as Dean of Tyler School of Art; Temple University, Philadelphia; Dean for the College of Creative Arts, San Francisco State University; Dean for Academic Affairs, San Francisco Art Institute, and Dean for the College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Maryland, College Park, where he was previously Professor and Chair of the Art Department.
He was also Distinguished Visiting Artist/Scholar at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Previously he was Associate Dean and Associate Professor, University of Illinois, Chicago; Art Department Chair, DePaul University; and Assistant Professor of Art at Fisk University.
His first appointment was teacher at Gary High School, Indiana. Morrison studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where he received a BFA (1963), and MFA (1965). Morrison was born in Linstead, Jamaica, in 1942.
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