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The Jamaican National Anthem - Our nation's song, poem & prayer.
All three(3) in one!
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When the legendary Hugh Sherlock wrote this, our National Anthem, he must have been duly inspired by the almighty.
I may be a little subjective, but I don't think there is any other National Anthem that is as meaningful, emotional and moving, as Jamaica's.
Note: [Click Here for the Jamaica National Pledge.]
It recognizes, reveres and respects
a mighty God. It seeks guidance and direction, while beseeches
brotherly love for a loving but sometimes misguided nation.
Its' purpose
and meaning is as current as it was then.
If you are a true Jamaican, wherever in the world you are and the National Anthem is been played, you must be moved.
And even you are not a Jamaican, please show your regard and appreciation for a truly blessed nation by standing at attention.
Eternal Father, Bless our Land,
Guard us with thy mighty hand,
Keep us free from evil powers,
Be our light through countless hours,
To our leaders, great defender,
Grant true wisdom from above,
Justice, truth be ours forever,
Jamaica, land we love,
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, land we love
Teach us true respect for all,
Stir response to duty's call,
Strengthen us the weak to cherish,
Give us vision lest we perish,
Knowledge send us Heavenly Father,
Grant true wisdom from above,
Justice, truth be ours forever,
Jamaica, land we love,
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, land we love
Follow The Rules! Be sure to read the code of use for the Jamaica national anthem here.
Here Also Is An Audio (And Video) of the Jamaica's national anthem.
God Bless You!
And what about the national pledge? Here is it as well!
For use at the beginning and end of term, and on other special occasions.
Before God and all mankind, I pledge the love and loyalty of my heart, the wisdom and courage of my mind, the strength and vigour of my body in the service of my fellow citizens;
promise to stand up for Justice,
Brotherhood and Peace, to work diligently and creatively, to think
generously and honestly, so that Jamaica may, under God, increase in
beauty, fellowship and prosperity, and play her part in advancing the welfare of the whole human race.
Before God and all mankind, I pledge my love, my loyalty and skills, in the service of Jamaica and my fellow citizens.
I promise to work diligently and to help build a prosperous and peaceful nation.
All powerful words, wouldn't you say? Yup!
Be sure to also read my page on the national heroes of Jamaica, the persons who sacrificed their lives to give us the freedom we enjoy today.
The Jamaica Information Service
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