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Chukka Adventure Tours
Experience The Best of the Caribbean 

chukka adventure tours

Our Chukka Adventure Tours Excursion Review

The big day was November 26. Our special committee at work has been planning for this major excursion for over 6 months!

In fact, we have been touting it as the 'Ochie Invasion' - we were going to the attraction in the Ocho Rios area.

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And, if you ever need a trustworthy and knowledgeable local guide, consider booking a private tour with us!

Update! I accompanied two of my friends and first time visitors to Jamaica, Dan and Samantha, and we had a ball with the Horseback riding tour!

Click this link to read my complete review.
You may also watch the video at the bottom of this page.

With the exception of one, none of the twenty-six of us have ever had this experience so we were very anxious to see the day arrive.

The day of fun started the minute we boarded the bus!

Of course, we had some personalities, like Carolyn and Keisha, that made it even more exciting. The organizing committee entertained us with jokes, quizzes and games and provided prizes all along the way.

We arrived at just after 10:30 AM and got right into it!

The place was serene, very beautiful, and very laid back - a total opposite to the types of the adventures we were going to get into.

A group of us signed up for the Buggy Ride, another the River Tubing and another the ZipLine. The majority of us, including myself, took the Zip Line and River Tubing combo though. (Pictures Below)

Unfortunately, I can't speak about the buggy rides, but my co-workers were adamant that it had to be better than ours.

My group did the heart-wrenching zipline adventure first.

Believe me, it is not for the weak heart, my boss sweared that she would never do it again, lol. 

For the majority of us though, it was scary at first (admittedly), but turned out to be very very exciting!

After a little cooling down we took the bus to the top of the river from where we started the river tubing. That too was loads of fun.

None of us could ever claim that they led all the way downstream as just about everyone, at some point or another, got stuck at the sides of the river bank.

Towards the end we had a little scare because of the carelessness of one of the guides, Fabian, but all in all, it was exciting adventure.

After cooling down we were served curried goat, barbecued chicken, rice and peas and some refreshing True Juice fruit punch - buffet style.

All in all, the trip was worth every penny!

Now we understand why they were voted the number one adventure tour in the Caribbean!

Pictures From Chukka Adventure Tours Trip

chukka_adventure_tours_buggy_ride chukka_adventure_tours_river_tubing
The Buggy Ride River Tubing
chukka_adventure_tours_zipline chukka_adventure_tours_team_pose
On The Zip Line The Pose
chukka_adventure_tours_lawn.jpg chukka_adventure_tours_swing
The Beautiful Lawn Your's Truly on the Swing

Watch Video!  See Highlights Of The Chukka Horseback Adventure

Here's the YouTube video, embedded below, enjoy!

For information about Chukka Adventures, including their tour listings, other locations in the Caribbean, and contact information, visit their website.

Don't miss my my other suggestions on favourite places to visit in Jamaica.

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