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A Quick and Easy...
Jamaican Curry Goat Recipe

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jamaican curry goatMy wife having Jamaican Curried Goat With Rice & Vegetables

In a hurry? Here is an easy Jamaican curry goat recipe for you to try.

Curried Goat, by the way, is another of our popular Jamaican preparation and is a favourite with white rice, rice and peas or roasted breadfruit - breakfast, lunch or dinner!

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Good luck with your effort! OK, here we go!

Jamaican Curried Goat Recipe


  • 3 lbs mutton (goat meat) -cut it into medium-sized chunks
  • 2 teaspoons seasoning salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 3 medium potatoes (diced)- optional
  • 1 large onion; diced
  • 3 cloves garlic; minced
  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 bunch scallions; chopped
  • 1 scotch bonnet, seeded & minced finely
  • 2 tablespoons Jamaican curry powder.
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil


  1. Season meat with the seasoning salt.
  2. Heat the cooking oil in a large pot & add 1 tablespoon of the Jamaican curry powder.
  3. Cook stirring constantly until the curry powder darkens quite a bit.
  4. Put meat in pot along with onions, scallions, garlic & scotch bonnet pepper.
  5. Fry a little (about 5 minutes) over medium heat.
  6. Add thyme, remaining curry powder, black pepper & a little (1/2 teaspoon) of seasoning salt.
  7. Cover with water & simmer uncovered until meat is very tender & sauce is thick.
  8. Add diced potatoes to pot after meat is tender.
  9. Simmer on very low heat until potatoes are tender.
  10. Taste sauce & add more salt, if necessary.
  11. Serve with white rice (or whatever you like)
  12. Serve it up!

OK, well now there is no more excuse to wait that long - go ahead, print this recipe and give it a try OK - and let me know how it turns out, OK :-)

More Authentic Jamaican Recipes?

Yes, you are welcome! I have a healthy list of even more authentic Jamaican recipes line up for you - free of cost. Just click this link to hop over and get them on my Jamaican recipes page.

We love sharing. I say, the more, the merrier :-)

So How Do You Like Your Jamaican Curried Goat?

I already mentioned that we typically have it with white rice, dumplings or roasted breadfruit, but I would be interested to hear your from you? 

Are you able to get the ingredients where you are? How do you like it? Share your thoughts on the link below.

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