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So what do you know about catching crayfish In Jamaica? Have you ever done it? Can you do it? Will you ever do it?
In this fun article, not only will I share one proven technique with you, I'll share highlights of my recent crayfish (crawfish) catching adventure from the hills of Hanover with you.
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You might remember Ms James (Maxine) from the article (and video) that I did on Hunting Sea Moss In Jamaica.
Anyway, we were at it again!
And she brought her family along - kids, grandkids, nieces and all, up into the Hawker river!
Apparently that's where the best and fattest crayfish were :-)
So how exactly do you catch crayfish in the river?
She mentioned two popular approaches
The latter, certainly from my observation, was the most efficient approach.
So how is it done?
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First up, you must ensure that the water is relatively clear enough, for your general safety but also to ensure you can see what you are doing, then.
Notes and Cautions
That's it, ready to try? Please do and tell me how it went. I'm waiting :-)
And yes, these are all valuable lessons I learned from the experts, Ms James and her family, during our little crayfish hunting excursion. I do have a few pics!
Well this was never on the cards but Ms James pressed me to take it home. I did, and this (below) is how I did.
No bad (looking) after all!
And according to Aliana, my daughter, it tasted 'wonderful'.
And would you believe it was my first shot at cooking crayfish?
Oh yeah.
This (below) was my recipe!
By the way, even better, I made a full (fun) video of both the catching and cooking of the crayfish!
Below, embedded, is the YouTube video. Please enjoy - and share!
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