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For many Jamaicans, acquiring a car, like a wedding. But the process of researching can be frustrating and painstaking!
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Thanks to the internet though, you and I can now go online and compare cars makes and models to see which is the best - based on your preferences.
But even after comparison, there is still a challenge for those looking to purchase a car in Jamaica - WHY you asked?
Because most of the popular dealers will claim that their price is the best and so the only way to be sure is for you to walk around and compare prices; no website online had that facility to show all prices for Jamaican cars on sale :-(
That was the story of Ricky who wanted to assist his mother with purchasing a car a few years ago!
Well that problem turned inspiration! A Marketplace for cars was born!
Ricardo, affectionately called Ricky seized the opportunity and launched in 2012.
The solution; to allow persons to search for cars for sale in Jamaica at a mouse click!
And the company continues to grow rappidly, not just showcasing most, if not all, the major car dealers in Jamaica, but also allowing individuals like you and I to showcase our cars for sale to the Jamaican and global audience.
Its pretty simple!
Basically individuals and car dealers list their vehicle for sale.
They include basic information such as:
Users, like you and I, will see them on the site, through a default view or via a search.
The prospective buyer (you or I) would simply make contact with the seller (the dealer) directly to get further information, arrange a viewing, or discuss purchase arrangements.
That's pretty much it!
Good question!
The major benefit I would say is that:
And even more, they allow you to search:
And even after, you are able to sort - by Name, Price, Year etc!
And if you are a dealer or an individual looking to sell a car (or cars), they make it a breeze for you to register for a tiny fee!
Did I tell you that vehicles from most, if not all, the major car dealers are listed on their website!
And that is in addition to hundreds of individuals, I mean average persons, who have listed their cars for sale on the site.
And they have all the major make, model and brands you can think of.
This include a wide range of:
And the beauty of this service is that all cars are welcome, and so you have from the most antique cars - eg. A Morris Oxford, to the latest make of the most luxurious cars!
Ricky told me that they currently have over 1,300 vehicles for sale listed on the website as we spoke - pretty impressive eeh?
Go ahead and browse through, their listings, who knows you might just find the car at the price you were hoping to see it at.
See Also: Guide to buying cars
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