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by Jannus van Schalkwyk
(South Africa)
I believe that the Rastafarians should be able to smoke as they want.
They believe that it is should be a part of religion and every day life. They have a right to this belief because the most of the Rastafarians today do not decide what is right and not but simply continue the beliefs of their ancestors, although its only been 200 years since cannabis was introduced to Jamaica.
All Rastafarians must get up stand up, stand up for their rights. The time will come that Jamaica will legalize it because they simply cant stop a man for doing what he believes, won’t happen.
by Dylan
It should be completely legal everywhere.
I have never seen anyone who smokes weed do anything harmful to themselves or others.
I've seen drunk people get in fights and wind up in the hospital but never high and causing problems. Why not? It makes no sense.
I'm high right now and I'm not doing anything wrong. :) legalize!
by Jeff
(Oxford, Pennsylvania)
Herb is a thing the creator put here for our purpose. How can man criminalize something not created by him but by the creator?
It is natural..should GOD go to prison for a spliff? Why is tobacco, coffee, and other similar plants with harmful properties be legal?
Why not make corn or pumpkins illegal?
They cannot stop the seed from bearing fruit as it is planned. Marvel at it's beauty when herb ripens! respect - selah
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by Sil Isreal
(Trinidad and Tobago)
YES!!! It reduce crime and provide income for the poor.
Think about all the great music that came from your country..... if wasn't for the wonderful weed then there would be no great music coming from Jamaica.
Think about the artist that u like and the music that you listen to... most if not all was under the influence.
Reggae and jazz music was created and influenced by marijuana
by Ronnie
It should be legal everywhere. If you own land you should be able to grow at least 20 plants for your own use.
by Trevor
(OK,Oklahoma City, USA)
I've never herd of weed getting people into car accident, but alcohols which is legal, does that. Thats crazy!
Weed lets you relax, be happy man whats wrong with that?
omg yes it should but omg i love it
Why Not Legalized Marijuana?
I don’t see why we cant smoke the olde joint every now and then.
I mean tobacco comes from a plant and so does pot. I don’t see the government cracking down on ciggies and beer. So why not?
by Steve E
(Portland, CT USA)
Marijuana should not only be legalized in Jamaica, but all over the world.
Marijuana is a non-harming drug. It’s a beautiful drug. Some argue it destroys life but I know otherwise from experience. I've smoked weed for 5 years, and it has never made my life hard.
I did coke for 7 months and the damage from it is still affecting me 4 months sober. And I was a dexhead ( dextromethorphan) Even that sh** was hard to stop and really addictive and harming.
BUT marijuana, which I’ve used nearly 9 times as long as cocaine, had shown me no negative consequences. SO legalize weed EVERYWHERE, not only Jamaica.
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by B
If everyone became Rastafarian this world would be a much nicer place.
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by Skitzo
(Steamboat, AZ, USA)
not just JAMAICA.
It should be legal WEED all over the states as well.
by Mitch Young
(Quesnel BC)
I personally think that Jamaica and Canada should both legalize marijuana because it is a lot less harmful than most other drugs!
In Jamaica being such a good climate to grow and cultivate been all sun most of the time it is much easier to find then up here....(even though it is BC)(BC BUD 4 LIFE lol)
If it does become legal the government and police will probably tax the heck out of dealers to try to make a profit.....
well thats all
YAY 420~! live long and hard SWED
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by WM
(Washington, DC)
I believe ganja should be legal worldwide. I really think that if the best weed in the world was, for example, in Ireland, then it would be legal.
But since Jamaica is primarily a Black society is reasoning for the 'powers' not to legalize.
Jamaica would be one of the richest countries on the globe. A country of extremely rich Black people. They're not having it. This is coming from a person who hasn't smoked in years.
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by Donnie
(Austin, Texas, United States)
Yeah. If something makes you happy why not do it? Its not gonna hurt anyone to just sit in your own place, mind your own business, and smoke your own spliff.
I personaly think its good for spiritual and health reasons as well, but thats just me, government doesn't care about all the "me's" out there.
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by gearhead
(Bay Point, CA, United States)
Yes, I am just a student in the state of California but I believe that it should.
Not because of what the drug does to you but because of how well it could impact our society.
If Jamaica would make it legal that would take dope dealers off the street and decrease the crime streets. It would also help the people when it comes to buying books and fixing roads for cities. If you where to tax marijuana then all that money being made by it would help
and marijuana isn’t the drug that’s going to kill everyone, if alcohol and tobacco are legal then marijuana should be too, and if people see that its legal then its not going to give them that feeling that they are being bad when they do it so it might also make it less used. I have more to say about this as well but I got to go.
You can reach me at gearhead
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by Knuckles
The U.S. gives the country 2 mill. for anti-drug campaigns. I read in an article that an estimated 1.5 billion is grown there every year. But what is better for the poor Jamaican people?
A well run legal system for marijuana-like in Amsterdam which would create jobs, stores & restaurants, or imprisonment of their own people?
It’s just like that here in Canada, when can we choose for ourselves if we want to smoke or not. Or let’s look at the states, how much money do they spend fighting the most useful plant in the world, yet they can't fix New Orleans, Bush can run the entire world into recession but don't you smoke that joint to relax because you just lost your home and your job.
Instead medicate yourself with liquor because, hey, that’s O.K. Or maybe have a cancer stick, that only costs an American their health care or what healthcare? The time is coming soon, I can feel it: when the world will begin to realize that smoking pot will not make you a heroin addict, it will not detriment your health, and that you are not supporting criminal activities.
The East Indians have known its power before there was even people living in North America (excluding North American Indians), they new its recreational powers and its medicinal applications. It is time that people get to do what they want, there is no infringement of rights because I want to smoke a spliff in the comforts of my house which I maintain and pay taxes on.
For all the pro-smokers out there, just wait, we'll be telling our kids that "in my day it used to be illegal"! Live your life with respect for others and open your mind to the great power of Mother Nature.
Peace and I tell you it will happen!
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