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Woot Woot! We're In the News Again!


Well guess what?

Yup! is in the news again! This time it is the top newspaper in Jamaica, The Jamaica Gleaner!

The feature was published on March 30th, 2011 and can be found on page 11 of the "Hospitality Jamaica", tourism section.

For me, it's truly a blessing and an appreciation of the hard work and dedication on the website - my labour of love.

It was completely unsolicited! I got the contact, via facebook from the Gleaner writer. We met, she interviewed me and, well, this is it!

I've saved a copy on the website. You can find the link to the article here:

To get this type of coverage from the most prestigious newspaper in Jamaica does mean a lot to me, trust me.

I will continue to strive to make the website even more useful and informational.

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Apr 12, 2011
congrats on the aticle
by: Simone

I came upon this website by accident but I love it. I enjoy this site and looks forward to see what you have in store for me all the time, I especially enjoyed the one about the road and the rain while driving in Jamaica. Thank you Wellesley

Apr 11, 2011
Frequent Traveler Looking For More
by: Sandy

I am an American, but a frequent traveler to Jamaica for over 20 year. I love the information that you provide because I sometimes travel with newcomers and the information provides us with all the updates. I love Jamaica and I am sure that there are many things that I never explored during my visits.

Apr 05, 2011
by: Sharmaine Suckoo Samuels

Hey Wellesley, congrats on being featured in the Jamaica Gleaner. Keep on doing what yu doin....

Apr 04, 2011
by: Anonymous

Congrats , and Thanks again for supporting the first jamaican Colouring book with the exciting story and the puzzles.

Keep up the hard work now.

Apr 04, 2011
great jamaican website
by: Ann

Wellelsey. Your site is great. I can't remember how I came upon your site but I am glad I did.

I am a teacher and trust me this site is informative!!! Bring on the info about our lovely Jamaica and keep it going. Interesting!! Put up some ideas about places that are affordable and exciting for teachers to take children to and for family visits.

Dont know if you have already done so as I have not toured the site( kind of really busy now)but looking forward to doing so. Thanks for the ebook.

Apr 03, 2011
by: Trishtn

Congratulation to your website. I have always said if only we as Jamaican's knew what we have, we would preserve it.

I wish that everyone in Jamaica had the opportunity to travel outside of the island so we would appreciate what we have.

Mar 31, 2011
good work
by: Anonymous

good keep up the good work

Mar 31, 2011
Way to go Wellsely!
by: Guiinevere

I love the new article. Thanks for sharing! I feel very honored to be part of such an esteemed community of Jamaican admirers! Thanks Wellsely for connecting us all and spreading the love.

I too hope you get more local Jamaican traffic to the site! Who better to share the hidden treasures of your beautiful island!

Mar 31, 2011
by: Brenton

Hi Wellesley,

It's really great that all your efforts to promote our island home has been recognised by our oldest National press.

Since 1999, when the thought of planes falling from the skies because computer clocks may not recognise the end of that century and the begin ing of this one, made me appreciate the importance of being computer literate.

Here is hoping that with this kind of exposure, it will encourage more of our brothers and sisters throughout the country to become more aware of the possibilities that exist by having this knowledge.

I remember one occasion on my crusade of ecouragement to one of our rastafarian bredrin who described being on the internet to a fish being caught in a net and was adamant about not becoming a fish?

Your entreprenurial endeavours in marrying your love for your country and finding a medium where you can share it with so many people is admirable and I'm sure it will become very popular in the years ahead.

I wish you every success and will continue to contribute in My Island Jamaica's progress!

Thank you for your invitation to participate.

One Love


Mar 31, 2011
by: Lorna

big ups to you my isle Great work! very imformative site..being abroad it is very much an asset...keep up the great work...job well done!!

Mar 31, 2011
Good news about Jamaica
by: Proud Jamaican

its nice to know that our country has some positives about it and other countries are attracted to us!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 31, 2011
by: CastlePoint

We had the same ideas you have come up with but did not follow through - congratulations - ythis is what Jamaica needs to go forward. Reading what is written in the Gleaner confirms. Again congratulations.

Mar 31, 2011
Very happy for U!
by: Wendy

Just a quick GO FOR IT! Site looks great!

Mar 31, 2011
by: Annie from Gold Coast Australia

Well done, it is good to see your hard work paying off. May it bring more recognition and more visitors. Keep it up my friend.

Mar 31, 2011
"Woot Woot? In the News Again!"
by: Terri (Los Angeles)

Congratulations, Superstar.

This is wonderful news.

Mar 31, 2011
by: sandra

Congratulations in being in the paper. Hope this brings you lots of traffic.

I wrote you before about there being many Jamaican's on You Tube who are doing beauty videos about Hair and life.

Hope you will be addressing some of them and thus increasing your presence online as well.

Nice website.

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