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Why do I love Jamaica?

by Dave Clarke (Microdac Videos)
(Virginia Beach, Virginia)

Re: What Makes Jamaica Special feedback question.

Why do I love Jamaica? How much time do you have?

First of all, Jamaica is, indeed, an island country but, more importantly, it is a state of being. It’s a state of mind. It’s an international symbol and a mantra for all spirited people.

I have been to and/or lived in some 30 countries and I have yet to visit a country and the residents didn’t have a smile when I mentioned the word “Jamaica”.

To many, in other countries, Jamaica is shrouded in mysticism and mythology; their concepts border on visions of Utopia. But why me? Why do I love Jamaica?

First of all, I was born in Spanish Town, Jamaica. (A place of birth does not always preface a love for country). My elementary education was in Jamaica. Thank God for that; compared to other countries, I had a very good education. (How many other countries would have had a headmaster that insisted that I learn Latin… and age 13.)

On leaving Jamaica at age 16, I thought I was leaving for a better world. It was only through time, experiences and knowledge in living elsewhere did I learned the true beauty of Jamaica and Jamaicans.

In summary, let me share a secret: I had my DNA done to know about my ethnicity. It came back that I was 47% Biafran (Nigeria), 16% English, 8.2% Kenyan, 7.2 % Finnish, 7.1% Spaniard, 1.4% Middle Eastern… the rest associated with different parts of the word.

In short, I am 100% Jamaican and a living proof of the motto “Out of many one people”. I LOVE JAMAICA!

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