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Who Is The First Jamaican National Hero?
Marcus Mosiah Garvey

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places_named_after_marcus_garveyWho is the first Jamaican National Hero?

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

Jamaica has many persons to who we credit our status as an Independent nation, but there are seven persons whose sacrifices have led the nation to bestow the highest honour of our nation, The Order of National Hero.

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Marcus Mosiah Garvey is revered across the world for his commitment to not only Jamaicans but to black people across the world.

The Jamaican who was born in St. Ann on August 17th, 1887 had quite a few jobs before evolving into an activist, entrepreneur, publisher and orator. we know now.

When was Marcus Garvey made a National Hero?

Marcus Garvey was conferred with the Order of the National Hero in 1969 as per the second schedule of the National Honours and Awards Act.

Is Marcus Garvey Jamaica's first National Hero?

Marcus Garvey is indeed the first Jamaican to be named as a National Hero.

Why was Marcus Garvey a National Hero?

Marcus Mosiah Garvey, has been recognised as the first black man to awaken the dignity of the black race in Jamaica, North America and Africa. He was the founder of the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) and the People’s Political Party.

Who are the 7 national heroes of Jamaica?

Our National heroes are Marcus Garvey, Sir Alexander Bustamante, Norman Washington Manley, George William Gordon, Paul Bogle, Sam Sharpe and our only Heroine, Nanny of the Maroons.

What made Marcus Garvey important?

Marcus Garvey is important for many different reasons. He was dedicated to black empowerment worldwide and endeavoured to do so through his work with the UNIA, political parties and other organisations as well as his plan to return all African descendants living in the Caribbean and the Americas back to Africa.

His ideals also heavily influenced the teachings of Rastafari and were even thought to have predicted the birth and subsequent coronation of Haile Selassie I.

He prophesied a decade before the birth of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings and Elect of God.” that we should “Look to Africa when a black king shall be crowned for the day of deliverance is near!”

How did Marcus Garvey impact society? From my point of view, Garvey’s strongest impact on society is that he awoke black people to a sense of self-confidence and self-worth. This was important, as coming out of slavery this was mostly lacking.

What are 3 important facts about Marcus Garvey?

He is Jamaica’s first National Hero
He founded the UNIA, Black Star Line, People’s Political Party and the Negro World newspaper.

What is Marcus Garvey most famous for?

Perhaps the thing for which Garvey is most famous is for being the founder of the founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Assiciation (UNIA).The vision behind the UNIA is to achieve Black Nationalism thrrough the celebration of African history and culture. The UNIA was founded in Jamaica in July of 1914 and it exists even today.

Famous Marcus Garvey Quotes

Garvey has always been a public speaker and many quotes from his speeches are now well-known and used all across the world.

  1. Up ye mighty race; accomplish what you will.
  2. If you have no confidence in self you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.
  3. One God. One Aim. One Destiny.

When did Marcus Garvey die?

Garvey died on 10th June 1940 in London, the United Kingdom after suffering two strokes, one that same month and prior to that, one in January of that same year.

Where is Marcus Garvey Buried?

Marcus Garvey was initially buried in the United Kingdom after his death in 1940 due to the restrictions of WW II. He was buried in the St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Cemetary in Kensal Green, London.

His body returned to Jamaica some years later, on November 13th, 1964 at was interred at the Marcus Garvey Memorial in National Heroes Park, Kingston.

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References & Sources For Who is the first Jamaican National Hero?

  1. diG Jamaica (2019) 5 essential facts every Jamaican ought to know about Marcus Mosiah Garvey -, diG Jamaica. Available at: (Accessed: October 23, 2022).
  2. National heroes | The National Library of Jamaica (no date). Available at: (Accessed: October 24, 2022).
  3. The romantic rewriting of Haile Selassie's legacy must stop: (2021) Africa at LSE. Available at: (Accessed: October 23, 2022).
  4. Walker, A. (2022) Top 25 most powerful Marcus Garvey quotes, Available at: (Accessed: October 23, 2022).

Who is the first Jamaican National Hero | Written: 24, 2022

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