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What Jamaican Herbs Help With Vomiting?

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guinea_hen_plantWhat Jamaican Herbs Help With Vomiting | Guinea Hen Plant

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

In Jamaica, you will come to realise that the solution for every ailment is believed to be in nature. And more often than not, this has proven to be true. Jamaica herbs are used to treat everything from the common cold and flu to more serious ailments like hypertension.

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But what Jamaican herbs help with vomiting?

There are many herbs used to treat nausea, and vomiting in Jamaica and as someone who suffered from motion sickness for most of their childhood, I can say that although they aren’t at all among the tastiest remedies, they are pretty effective.

  1. Ginger - As soon as you mention nausea or slight discomfort in your stomach, you will be offered a cup of strong ginger tea with much emphasis on the word strong. While packets of ginger tea are sometimes used, it is only in the absence of the actual root which must be peeled and drawn (steeped) in boiled water. If you can drink it unsweetened it is thought to work even better. It is quite common for expecting mothers suffering from morning sickness to have ginger tea.

  2. Cerasee - Cerasee is not a fan favourite in Jamaica as it is incredibly bitter but does wonders for an upset stomach. It is also quite common as a washout remedy in Jamaica. The roots and leaves are boiled in water.

  3. Smoke Contractor - This weed goes by many names, Semi Contra, Skunk Weed and Epazote just to name a few. But, while different names may identify it, we can all agree that its pungent smell is almost too much to handle. Nevertheless, it is a prevalent medicinal herb in Jamaica. Not only is it great at treating vomiting but other stomach-related ailments as well including cramping, bleeding, indigestion and ridding the body of parasites such as worms. It is pretty simple to prepare this remedy as all you will need to do is boil the plant in water, sweeten and then drink it.

  4. Mint - Mint is a popular tea in the morning for Jamaicans. A mint tree can often be found in Jamaican backyards for this reason. Of all the remedies for vomiting, this is the most tolerable. While there are many mint species, peppermint and colic mint are the most popular solutions for vomiting.

  5. Guinea Hen - Long before the properties of the Guinea Hen were studied, it was being used in many cultures including here in Jamaica to cure various ailments including Gastroenteritis and menstrual complaints in women. The plant is also used to cure colds, fevers, migraines, rheumatism acid reflux, insect bites and rashes, inflammation, malaria and yeast infections.

    The most common way to make Guinea Hen tea is by chopping finely chopping the leaves and adding them to boiling water. Your leaves should only be allowed to boil for 30 seconds to a minute before the pot is removed from the fire and the leaves are left to steep for a few minutes.

    The tea is then strained and consumed unsweetened ( if you can manage) at room temperature.

  6. Cinnamon Leaves- Cinnamon leaves are used most commonly as a spice for porridge and other treats but, when it is used to make teas it is a cure for upset stomach, vomiting and colds.

  7. Orange Peels - More often than not, orange peels are thrown out but there are many benefits to them including, relieving stomach ailments and vomiting. The skin is steeped in boiled water and sipped.

  8. Bissy - You might know this plant as Kola Nut, but in Jamaica, it is popularly known as Bissy. This is an excellent remedy to have on hand as it is a quick remedy for food poisoning especially. It is a great relief for menstrual cramps, headache, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, gout, rheumatism and jaundice.

  9. Basil - Basil is a commonly used seasoning in multiple parts of the world. As a tea, it is used to reduce nausea and vomiting.

  10. Fever Grass - Fever Grass is known as a remedy for, fever and colds. But it is also used to relieve headaches and treat stomach complaints.

  11. Search Me Heart - This herb is said to be good for colds, pains in the chest and stomach problems.

  12. Thyme - Most popularly known as a culinary flavouring, in Jamaica, thyme is said to be good for a whole lot more. Some medicinal benefits include remedies for asthma, bronchitis, coughs, respiratory diseases, diarrhoea and stomach cramps.

Some of the most used medicinal plants in Jamaica can be found at Taste of Jamaica Tours. Maybe you’ve seen our 60 plants in Jamaica video. If not, check it out below!

Watch Video! POWERFUL Medicinal Herbs Of Jamaica

The Taste of Jamaica Tours is a great place to learn more about the plants in Jamaica. Would you love to go? Book the My-Island-Jamaica Private Tours!

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References & Sources For What Jamaican Herbs With Vomiting?

  1. 4 home remedies for an upset stomach (plus 6 things to avoid) (no date) 4 home remedies for an upset stomach (plus 6 things to avoid) | University Health Center. Available at:,also%20support%20ginger's%20helpful%20properties (Accessed: February 18, 2023).
  2. Ariola, J. (2018) Home remedy for an upset tummy..., Health Beat. Available at: (Accessed: February 18, 2023).
  3. Jamaican bitters: The most unappealing but effective herbal remedies (no date) My-Island-Jamaica. Available at: (Accessed: February 18, 2023).
  4. Mitchell, S.A. (-1) Longdom Publishing SL: Open access journals, Longdom. Longdom Publishing SL. Available at:,known%20by%20their%20common%20names (Accessed: February 18, 2023).

What Jamaican Herbs Help With Vomiting? | Written: February 18, 2023

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