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What Is ZOSO Jamaica?
Is It Working?

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What Is ZOSO Jamaica? | Soldier Working In Western Jamaica ( Is ZOSO Jamaica? | Soldier Working In Western Jamaica (

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

Over the past few years, if you keep up with news in Jamaica, you would have heard mention of ZOSO, Zones of Special Operations, quite frequently. But what is it all about and is it effective?

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What Is ZOSO Jamaica?

The Prime Minister has the authority under the law to declare an area a Zone of Special Operations to combat increased crime and volatility in a community. This has been discussed with the National Security Council.

The zone can only be established after the police commissioner and chief of defence staff submit a written request to the Prime Minister for such a declaration.

When was the ZOSO implemented?

The Law Reform (Zones of Special Operations) Special Security and Community Development Measures Act was passed by the Houses of Parliament in 2017. It aims to reduce crime while protecting residents' human rights and promoting community development through social intervention initiatives.

The First ZOSO in Jamaica

Mount Salem in St. James was designated as the first Zone of Special Operations (ZOSO) under the Law Reform (Zones of Special Operations) Special Security and Community Development Measures) Act by Prime Minister Andrew Holness. Mr. Holness announced this at a press conference held at the Prime Minister's Office on Friday, September 1st, 2017.

Personnel from the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) and the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) were in the zone for 60 days. According to Mr. Holness, the decision to designate Mount Salem as the first zone was based on police statistics indicating that the area is a major crime hotspot.

recent historical data of crime rise in the community: 40 murders in 2014; 70 in 2015; 85 in 2016, and 54 so far in 2017

existence of 12 gangs in the area

intelligence reports of activities taking place in the community

At the time, the prime minister also acknowledged that there were many more communities with high rates of criminal activities that would be named as zones in short order.

What you need to know about ZOSOs

Here are some key points to remember about Zones of Special Operations (ZOSO):

  • A Zone cannot be declared arbitrarily. To be designated as such, a region must have "rampant criminality, gang warfare, escalating violence and murder, and a threat to the rule of law".

  • The Prime Minister may declare an area a Zone of Special Operations after receiving written advice from the Chief of Defence Staff and the Commissioner of Police.

  • During an operation, no one can be detained or arrested in a Zone unless the person in charge (a Major of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) or a Superintendent of Police of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) determines that proper grounds exist.

  • Anyone arrested should be informed of the reason for their arrest. The person should be brought before a Justice of the Peace (JP) to determine whether the arrest was justified. If the JP believes the reason is valid, the person should be detained for a maximum of 24 hours. Otherwise, the individual should be released right away.

  • No legal trade tools should be seized.

  • Only female security officers have the authority to search a female citizen.

  • When a vehicle is seized, the owner or person in possession of the vehicle(s) must be given a receipt as well as a list of the items seized.

  • The Prime Minister may issue an Order revoking a Zone at any time.

Benefits of ZOSO

One of the major benefits of the zones of special operations, as expressed by citizens, is the general feeling of safety within these communities because of the constant presence of members of the Jamaica Defence Force and the Jamaica Constabulary Force in the area.

It has been reported that there has been a reduction in crime and violence in communities during the time they were under a zone of special operations.

Disadvantages of ZOSO

Some citizens have expressed that ZOSOs give the JCF and JDF too much power, leaving them feeling as though they have no rights and or that their rights were being violated.

Are the ZOSOs doing what they set out to do, what do you think?

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References & Sources For What Is ZOSO Jamaica?

  1. PM Declares Mount Salem First Zone of Special Operations,

  2. The Law Reform (Zones of Special Operations) (Special Security and Community Development Measures) Law โ€“ Jamaica Information Service,

What Is ZOSO Jamaica? | Written: August 21, 2022

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