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What is the Most Romantic Place in Jamaica?

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villa_in_jamaica_ivys_cove_jamaican_couple_romanticWhat is the Most Romantic Place in Jamaica?

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

As one of the top spots for honeymooners and vacationing couples, Jamaica has quite a few romantic spots that are worth visiting. Here are my favourites.

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Lover’s Leap - Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth

lovers_leap_visit_jamaicaLover's Leap Jamaica

Located in the more rural parts of the island is Lover’s Leap. The story is told of a young couple who were enslaved in Jamaica. When they got wind that their jealous slave master had plans of selling the man to a faraway property, they decided to run away together.

But, the slave master heard of their plans and chased them to the cliff's edge, where they chose to jump together instead of getting captured. No one is really sure what happened to the couple after this but there are many variations to the story as some persons believe they died while others think they survived.

Today the location is perfect for watching the sunset and if you are up for a challenge, you can climb up the steep cliff together. The Jake’s Hotel is also on the property if you are in for a rural escape in the country. The Jack Sprat restaurant, also on the property, has delicious food, a fantastic view and entertainment.

The Caves - Negril

the_caves_hotel_candle_dinnerCandlelight Dinner at The Caves

How does a romantic dinner in a cave at the edge of a cliff above the Caribbean Sea sound? Wonderful, right? The all-inclusive beachside resort has many eccentric rooms and suites across the property where you can stay for your trip and a candlelit dinner for two is just one of the many things the staff is ready and willing to prepare for you. Room reservations can be made whether you are staying at the Caves Hotel or not.

Martha Brae - Trelawny

love-on-the-martha-brae-river-jcarleRafting On The Martha Brae

Rafting on the Martha Brae is excellent for family, friends and couples especially as you will be lazing slowly along the peaceful river for the duration of your trip.

It is a great way to connect with nature and your partner while your boat captain occasionally points out beautiful flora and fauna along the river’s bank.

Whether you choose to explore the gardens, gift shop and bar before or after is up to you, but it is a great way to learn about Jamaican plants, get souvenirs and a few beers.

Blue and Joncrow Mountain Range - Eastern Jamaica

clouds-on-the-blue-mountain-21103815The Blue Mountains

At Jamaica’s highest mountain range, you can enjoy hikes and walks through the rainforest experiencing cascading waterfalls, rolling hills and native plant and animal species along the way.

Some people love camping, but if you would love to spend a night or two in the hills but not outdoors, then a cabin can be rented or accommodations like Strawberry Hill are exceptional.

Unique restaurants and cafes throughout parts of the Blue Mountain are also a great little escape to enjoy your partner’s company, a view of the cool rugged hills and Jamaica’s very own Blue Mountain coffee which is in abundance in this area.

Speaking of coffee, you can also tour coffee farms in the region as well to learn about Jamaican Blue Mountain and High Mountain Coffee.

Xtabi - West End, Negril

xtabi_negril_jamaicaXtabi Negril

There is hardly a place on the coast of Negril where you won’t have a view of the Caribbean Sea and the sunset but the view from the cliffs on the West End is truly breathtaking.

A stay at Xtabi is a great retreat from the usual hotels in Negril but even if you don’t decide to spend your entire vacation there, dinner at the Xtabi restaurant is a must. If you have already been to the more popular Rick’s Cafe, you can visit here instead, as it has opportunities for greater intimacy.

Horseback Riding - Chukka, Ocho Rios

romantic_horseback_riding_in_jamaica_dan_and_samanthaHorseback Riding In Ocho Rios

The Chukka horseback riding experience takes you from the forest to the beach with great scenery and a brief history lesson as you ride through a 17th Century plantation.

This is a great experience to share with your partner on the sunny north coast of Jamaica. If you are in for a little more adventure, you can do more of the activities offered by Chukka as well.

Blue Lagoon - Port Antonio, Portland

blue_lagoon_things_to_do_in_jamaicaBlue Lagoon | (Photo:

The Blue Lagoon in Portland is riddled with stories of a mysterious dragon that lives in what was considered a bottomless lagoon. But both of those stories have been debunked. The lagoon, though is not bottomless, it is 180 ft deep.

The Blue Lagoon is fed by springs in the mountains of Portland, the largest of its kind on the island. And its second water source is the Caribbean Sea making it a cool blend of fresh and saltwater.

And with such a constant supply of water, the beautiful and exotic species of trees, plants, and flowers, as well as indigenous birds and animals flourish adding to the beauty of the lagoon.

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References & Sources For What is the most romantic place in Jamaica?

  1. The Blue Lagoon Jamaica: 7 amazing facts & fictions revealed (no date) My Island Jamaica. Available at: (Accessed: January 20, 2023).
  2. Dine (no date) Xtabi Resort. Available at: (Accessed: January 20, 2023).
  3. Most romantic locations in Jamaica (no date) My Island Jamaica. Available at: (Accessed: January 20, 2023).
  4. Sen, S. (2021) 10 romantic spots in Jamaica to spice up your Honeymoon, TravelTriangle. Available at:,places%20to%20visit%20in%20Jamaica (Accessed: January 20, 2023).
  5. Top 10 most romantic attractions in Jamaica for couples (2022) Things to do in Jamaica. Available at: (Accessed: January 20, 2023).

What is the most romantic place in Jamaica? | Written: January 20, 2023

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