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What is the Best Time of Year to go to Ocho Rios?

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yaaman_adventure_park_camels.jpgWhat is the Best Time of Year to go to Ocho Rios? | Yaaman Adventure Tours

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

When you take a vacation, it is important to know the kind of weather you’ll be up against. Luckily, in Jamaica, there are no extreme changes in the seasons we have. It is basically sunny or rainy, with a few cold days which even then aren’t that cold by some standards.

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But if you are heading directly to Ocho Rios, let’s look at the best time to visit when it comes down to the weather, price, attractions and activities.


ocho rios bay beach (Pier)Ocho Rios Beach

Ocho Rios shares the same weather as the rest of Jamaica. Most days are sunny with highs of around 32 degrees on an average day.

What time of year is hurricane season in Jamaica?

The rainy season falls during the hurricane period from June 1 to November 30. During this time, we anticipate way more rainfall than the rest of the year and the likelihood of a hurricane. Jamaica, however, is threatened by a hurricane every few years so the odds of being stuck here during a hurricane are slim but still very possible.

What month is the rainy season in Jamaica?

The two wettest months of the year in Jamaica are September and October, but the rains usually begin increasing towards the middle of August. Usually, the threat of a hurricane lessens towards the end of October and into November depending on how active a season it is.

This does not mean you cannot vacation in Jamaica during these months, it is just a caution to remember to keep up to date with the weather the island is expecting during your trip.

What is the rainy season in Ocho Rios Jamaica?

The rainy season in Ocho Rios is during the hurricane season from June 1 to November 30.

If you would rather not contend with the rain at all, then you’ll be better off coming to Jamaica from December to April. Known as the winter season, in Jamaica, we often expect to see many guests from the US, Canada and other countries experiencing winter, trying to have a few weeks of tropical weather.

While for us Jamaicans, this is the time we will wear sweaters and socks religiously, I can promise you it will be nowhere as cold as you are used to.

What month has the most hurricanes in Jamaica?

August and September have recorded the most hurricanes in Jamaica.

What is the driest month in Jamaica?

January has the least amount of rainfall with just an average of 44mm rainfall.

When can I visit the beach?

There is no special time to visit the beach. In Jamaica, we go to the beach year-round. While there are enough beaches in Ocho Rios for all of us to enjoy, you might have a better experience during the off-season if you would prefer to not be overrun by other visitors.


Now, while the weather from November to April might be exactly what you are looking for, if you are hoping to travel on a budget, this might not be the most favourable time for you to visit.

Because it is the peak of the tourist season and there are so many people travelling to the island, the cost of flights and accommodation increases significantly. If you have no issues with this then you can visit during this time. But, the summer months are way more affordable if you are on a budget.

The time of year does not necessarily affect the cost of food, but towns like Ocho Rios are on the pricy side year round when compared to more rural areas.

Here are a few restaurants in Ocho Rios to try.


mystic_mountain_ocho_rios_jamaicaMystic Mountain Jamaica

Again, attractions in Jamaica can be enjoyed year-round and Ocho Rios is the centre of all things adventure. Some of these can be affected by the rain since many of them are outdoor activities, but one quick solution to that is to do them earlier in the day since it usually rains towards the afternoon during the off-season.

During the peak season, your concern will be overcrowding of the more popular attractions. Not all will have loads of foot traffic but some attractions like Dunn’s River will have a considerable number of guests.

It is even more so on days when cruise ships dock in the Ocho Rios Bay. So if you can avoid these days you’ll be good to go.

The best time to visit Ocho Rios is any time of the year. It is all up to you. Just remember to watch the weather and pack accordingly. Need some packing tips? Here you go.

Here are some attractions in Ocho Rios to visit.

If you are looking out for any popular cultural festivals or stage shows in Ocho Rios or the wider parish of St. Ann, here they are and the months they are typically held.

  • Rebel Salute - Priory, St. Ann
  • Kite Festival - Richmond, St. Ann

You can Visit Jamaica for more information on these and other festivals in Ocho Rios and Jamaica.

Also, to keep abreast of the weather, the Meteorological Service of Jamaica is a great source.

Happy vacation!

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References & Sources For What is the best time of year to go to Ocho Rios?

  1. Holiday weather - what’s the weather like? | Tui - (no date). Available at: (Accessed: January 17, 2023).
  2. What is the best time of year to go to Jamaica? (no date) My-Island-Jamaica. Available at: (Accessed: January 17, 2023)

What is the best time of year to go to Ocho Rios? | Written: January 17, 2023

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