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What Is The Abiu Fruit?
A Unique Discovery In Jamaica

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What is the Abiu Fruit?What is the Abiu Fruit?

By Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

If you're strolling through parts of South America or some even other Caribbean islands, you might come across a delightful fruit known as Abiu. But to come across this gem in Jamaica is definitely a wild card.

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We first learned about Abiu fruit thanks to Sir Tom, who introduced it to us here at My-Island-Jamaica during an interview with our founder, Wellesley. Sir Tom has a knack for discovering and cultivating exotic fruits in Jamaica, it's his passion! As a matter of fact, he's also the one who introduced us to the intriguing Jaboticaba and the Ice Cream Bean Fruit.

What is Abiu Fruit?

A whole AbiuA whole Abiu!

Abiu is a tropical gem of a fruit, but very uncommon in Jamaica. It is scientifically named Pouteria caimito and belongs to the Sapotaceae family. Like most tropical fruits it is more than just a sweet treatโ€”it packs a punch of nutrients and a unique flavor profile. Abiu also goes by various names like caimito, yellow sapote, or luma depending on where you are. It is a round to oval-shaped fruit about the size of a tennis ball. When ripe, its thin, pale yellow skin turns a vibrant shade of yellow, indicating it's ready to eat. In my opinion, it somewhat reminds me of a Passion fruit from the outside.

Is Abiu Fruit Sweet?

Oh, absolutely! The flesh of Abiu is a translucent, jelly-like delight that's often compared to tasting like caramel, with hints of vanilla. According to Wellesley who gave it a taste test in the video, it reminds him of our Jamaican Star Apple. And if that is true, It's no wonder it's a favourite in desserts across the world and eaten fresh for its natural sweetness.

Nutritional Value of Abiu

Per 100 grams of Abiu has around 67 calories and is mostly water, making it a hydrating snack. It's low in fats but high in carbohydrates from natural sugars, giving you a quick energy boost. Plus, its fibre content supports digestion and helps you feel full and satisfied.

Benefits of Abiu Fruit

As I mentioned above, Abiu isn't just about its sweet tasteโ€”it's a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals.

  • Improves Vision: Abiu fruit is rich in vitamin A, which is essential for good eyesight. It helps prevent eye diseases and promotes healthy vision.
  • Boosts Immune System: With its high vitamin C content, Abiu strengthens the immune system, helping your body fight off infections and illnesses more effectively.
  • Rich in Vitamin B3: Abiu is a good source of niacin (vitamin B3), which supports skin health, the digestive system, and the nervous system.
  • Aids in Digestion: The fibre in Abiu fruit helps promote regular bowel movements and prevents constipation, supporting overall digestive health.
  • Helps with Respiratory Issues: In traditional Brazilian medicine, the sticky pulp of Abiu is used to treat respiratory conditions like coughs, colds, and bronchitis.
  • Antioxidant Properties: Abiu contains antioxidants that help protect your body from oxidative stress, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting a healthy immune system.
  • Hydration: With its high water content, Abiu fruit helps keep you hydrated, which is essential for maintaining optimal body functions.
  • Supports Weight Management: Low in calories and high in dietary fibre, Abiu can help you feel full and satisfied, making it a great addition to a balanced diet.

How to Eat Abiu Fruit

Peeling the Abiu fruitPeeling the Abiu fruit

You can simply scoop out the flesh (tastes even better if you chill the fruit first) and eat it fresh or cut it into segments for a fruit salad. Some even blend it into smoothies or make ice cream and jams with its jelly-like pulp. Just remember, the outer skin is tough and inedible, so it's all about that sweet, creamy interior.

What Else Can You Do with Abiu?

Besides enjoying it fresh or in desserts, Abiu's versatile! You can add it to yoghurt, blend it into sherbets, or even use it to top pancakes for a tropical twist. Its natural sweetness makes it a hit in various culinary creations. Check out the comment section of our YouTube video below for some interesting ways commenters use the fruit, or join them and let us know how you use it as well.

In a nutshell, Abiu fruit isn't just a tasty treatโ€”it's a nutritional powerhouse wrapped in a sweet, creamy package. Whether you're indulging straight from the tree or incorporating it into your favourite dishes, this fruit adds a tropical touch that's hard to resist. So, next time you spot this golden fruit, give it a tryโ€”you might just discover your new favourite tropical flavour!

Thanks again to Sir Tom for introducing us to this amazing discovery. Check out the video below!

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References & Sources For What Is The Abiu Fruit?

  1. Johanna, S., Johanna, S., & Johanna, S. (2019, July 5). Health Benefits of Abiu Fruit. Medindia.
  2. Kaushik, R. (2023, February 15). Abiu Fruit โ€“ Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts - PotsandPans India. PotsandPans India.,them%20in%20a%20fruit%20salad
  3. Shaikh, A. (2023, October 27). Health Benefits Of Abiu Fruit - Klarity Health Library. Klarity Health Library.
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