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What Is A Jamaican Patty?

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jamaican_patty_shrimpWhat Is A Jamaican Patty?

By Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

Patties are not just a part of Jamaican cuisine, it’s a part of our culture. It’s a major go-to for most of us. As a matter of fact it’s almost a rite of passage for kids to get a patty when heading home from a doctor’s visit. Not sure what I am going on about? Well, let me tell you all about the Jamaican patty.

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What is a Jamaican Patty?


A patty is a popular and I must say delicious pastry that's often enjoyed as a snack or even a full meal in Jamaica. It’s a semi-circular pastry filled with flavorful, seasoned fillings, and it's known for its flaky, golden-yellow crust. The filling can range from spicy ground beef to chicken, cheese, or even vegetables like ackee. It’s almost like an empanada. You can read more about the difference between a patty and an empanada in this article.

What Are Jamaican Patties Made Of?

As I mentioned above Jamaican patties are made from a flaky pastry dough and packed with seasoned fillings. Ground beef is the most traditional filling, but other varieties include chicken, shrimp, cheese, and vegetables. We commonly include spices like Scotch bonnet pepper and pimento seeds in the filling, giving the patty a signature Jamaican flavour and kick of heat.

Why Are Jamaican Patties So Good?


It’s not easy to put into words what makes the Jamaican patties so good, and I promise you it is not overrated. The key reason why it is such a hit with both locals and visitors is for these reasons, in my opinion.

  • Flavorful Filling: Whether it’s beef, chicken, or vegetables, the fillings are rich in flavourful spices, including Scotch bonnet pepper, pimento, scallion, thyme, onion, garlic and more.
  • Flaky Pastry: The crust is perfectly flaky, golden, and often flavoured with turmeric or curry powder, adding to the overall taste. There is something about biting into a flaky patty crust that is just wonderful. As a matter of fact, some people love the crust so much, that they purchase just the crust with no filling.
  • Versatility: Patties are portable and convenient, making them ideal for a quick on-the-go snack or a more filling meal when paired with sides like coco bread.

What Makes a Jamaican Patty Yellow?

The bright yellow colour of the patty’s crust comes from turmeric, a key ingredient in the dough. Turmeric is used both for its vibrant colour and its earthy flavour. Some recipes also include curry powder, which adds both flavour and colour.

Is a Jamaican Patty Healthy?

Yes. Like many comfort foods, Jamaican patties can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet when eaten in moderation. Here are a few health considerations:

  • Nutritional Value: Jamaican patties contain protein from the meat (or other fillings), carbohydrates from the dough, and beneficial vitamins and minerals from the spices and vegetables.
  • Caloric Content: A typical beef patty contains about 336 calories, making it a reasonable choice compared to other fast food options. However, it’s important to enjoy them in moderation due to their calorie density and ingredients.

What’s the Best Patty in Jamaica?

When it comes to the best Jamaican patty, Juici Patties tops the list. They are known for their flaky crust and generous filling-to-crust ratio. Their patties are always hot, flavorful, and packed with filling, ensuring that each bite is satisfying. Juici offers a wide variety of fillings, including beef, cheese, chicken, ackee and saltfish, vegetable, soy, and even shrimp.

Who Invented Jamaican Patties?

Jamaican patties have their origins in the Cornish pasty. It was brought to Jamaica by Cornish sailors in the 17th century and over time we adapted the recipe to suit local tastes by adding spices like Scotch bonnet peppers, cumin, and curry powder, which were influenced by the island’s East Indian and African culinary traditions. This fusion of flavours is what gives our Jamaican patties their distinct taste.

What Do You Eat Jamaican Patties With?


Jamaican patties are versatile and can be enjoyed on their own or with several delicious accompaniments:

  • Coco Bread: A soft, slightly sweet bread often used to sandwich the patty, making it more filling.
  • Cheese: Jamaican cheese is sometimes added to enhance the flavour of the patty.
  • Salad: A fresh side salad or even some added lettuce and tomato inside the patty can provide a refreshing contrast to the rich filling.

For a complete experience, try a full house patty from Juici Patties, which includes added vegetables for extra flavour and texture.

Can You Bring Jamaican Patties Back from Jamaica?

Yes, you can bring Jamaican patties back home with you! Many visitors and members of the Jamaican diaspora ensure they take home a box of patty when they are heading home. Here are some tips:

So there you have it, Jamaican patties are a delicious, spicy treat and are a must-try for anyone exploring Jamaican cuisine. However, if you want to try your hand at making your own patty at home, here is a simple recipe to try.

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References & Sources For What Is A Jamaican Patty?

  1. Jamaican Beef Patty Brands | Which is the Best Patty In Jamaica? (n.d.).
  2. Patties, J. (2024, August 26). The History of the Jamaican Beef Patty | Juici Patties. Juici Patties.,melding%20of%20flavors%20in%20Jamaica

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