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The Weather in Montego Bay Jamaica
by Rose-Marie Gordon-Cole, Associate Writer
On average there is no bad day in Montego Bay as it relates to it’s weather pattern. Montego Bay Jamaica falls in the equatorial or tropical zone of the earth where it is mostly hot and humid with periods of thunderstorm to maintain balance. This makes it hard to differentiate between seasons.
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As far as I am concern, Montego Bay has just two seasons, the hot days and the days when welcome showers provides a nice cool breeze to dilute the radiance of the sun.
This makes it a perfect year round vacation spot.
Here is an idea of what to expect if you are planning to visit our little slice of heaven.
Hurricane season in Jamaica falls between June 01 and November 30 each year, with the busiest period between August and October.
But even though Jamaica lies in the hurricane belt, most Jamaican adults can only remember Jamaica being hit directly by a hurricane once or twice in their lifetime.
The most that is experience during the hurricane season are heavy showers associated with the different weather systems. Give it a day or two and its back to almost perfect conditions complete with radiant sunshine and slightly cooler temperature.
Current and forecasted weather conditions of Montego Bay are
available at several websites online. One reputable one though is World Weather Online. You can see it live below.
In addition you may visit the Jamaican national disaster preparedness agency (ODPEM) for updates and an outline of the nations emergency plans.
Be sure to also read more about the climate of Jamaica here.
Make sure you subscribe to my free weekly e-zine My Island Jamaica
Digest (MIJD) and stay with the latest from Jamaica!
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