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Warrior Nation (Jamaican Poem)

by Brandon
(St Catherine Jamaica)

My beloved land renowned for diversity
Out of many one people from many seeds a great oak stemmed
Though an island pillaged rebels removed from one's village defiant in the face of adversity
Thus a warriors will woven in the hearts of enslavement transcend
The oceans pound the shore as the bodies of silkened charcoal upon the dermis
Allies to the betrayed from the almighty empathized
Maroons numbed the state nervous as with sheer vigor impelled to fight
Freedom the outcome as the mountains refuge, refugees deemed to rule
the beauty of pain embraced
The doctor bird flutters in Glee as nectar from the lignum vitae tastes
A blessed land as the most precious of treasures descended from the worst
A nation small though mighty from the heroes whom bereaved
Thus awarded praise,gratitude and pride as throughout heaven's altitudes regarded free

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