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Visitors To Jamaica cautioned about road use


By the Jamaican

Over the past three weeks, three American visitors lost their lives in separate road accidents which occurred across the island of Jamaica.

These series of tragedies have resulted in the police now making a public appeal to visitors, for them to be vigilant while traveling on the nation roadways.

Those killed have been identified as 67-year-old Vermon Francis, of Middle Town Street in South Corolina.

57-year-old Paulette Baptist-Diallo, of Legion Street in Brooklyn and 60-year-old, Mark Johnson, all in the United State of America.

The most recent incident which occured along a section of the Content main road in Manchester, on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 resulted in Francis's death.

Reports by the Kendal police are that about 7:00p.m., Francis and other persons were travelling in a motor vehicle along the Content main road.

On reaching a section of the roadway, the driver of another vehicle which was travelling in the opposite direction, was in the process of overtaking a line of traffic when he came on collision path with the vehicle being driven by Francis.

Francis swerve to avoid collision and crashed into another vehicle, which was also travelling from the opposite directions.

Francis, the driver of the other car, and the passengers travelling in his vehicle, all sustained injuries, and were rushed to hospital, where Francis was pronounced dead, and the other victims admitted in serious conditions.


Baptise-Diallo, who is a transport security officer in Brooklyn, lost her life in another motor vehicle accident which occured along a section of the Old Harbour Road, in St.Catherine, on Tuesday March 19.

Reports by the Spanish Town Police are that shortly after 3:00p.m., the female American national and another man were travelling in a Toyota Yaris motor car.

On reaching a section of the roadway, the driver lost control of the vehicle and collided into a parked truck.

Both occupants of the vehicle sustained injuries, and were rushed to hospital where Baptise-Diallo was pronounced dead.

Johnson on the other hand, arrived in the island in the company of his wife on a cruise ship, which docked in Ocho Rios, St. Ann, on March 11.

The couple was sightseeing along the roadway in Ocho Rios, when the accident occurred.

The American national sustained head injuries and he too was rushed to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

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Mar 24, 2019
Be safe!!
by: Shae

Man thats sad. You cant come to Jamaica and think you can drive like them or if your not prepared for how they drive. Im to scared to cross the street walking at times. Im sorry this has happened tho.

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