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Best Vacation Villas In Jamaica
& A Recommendation For You!

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What are the top vacation villas in Jamaica?
I have a cherry list for you, and a great recommendation in tranquil Portland, Jamaica.

Why Vacation Villas?

Level with me now :-)

You enjoy the luxurious amenities at the upscale resorts, but many times they fail to offer the authentic Jamaican experience, and so you decide to stay with a local friend or family.

That can be great, except one thing, it might get 'too authentic' for those who want to be pampered.

That's were Jamaican villas come in!
The perfect blend of luxury and roots!

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Here in Jamaica, we have a lo-oo-oo-ng list of villas, perhaps too much to name here. The following however, are the ones I would consider to be the the top villas in Jamaica at the time of writing - the best of the best, based entirely on traveler's reviews!

  • Paradise Palms (Montego Bay)
  • Exodus Retreat (St. Ann)
  • Chrisanns (Ocho Rios)
  • Doubloon (Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth)
  • Tranquility (Port Antonio)
  • Villa Nutmeg (Montego Bay)
  • Bogue Villa (Montego Bay)
  • Serendipity Jamaica (Montego Bay)
  • Signature's 21 @ the Country Club (Kingston)
  • Eden Sands Beachfront Villa (Ocho Rios)
  • Negril Jamaica - Tropical Breeze (Negril)
  • Rainbow Tree (Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth)
  • Shakti Home (Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth)
  • Pineapple Villa (Duncans, Trelawny)
  • JamRest Villas (Ocho Rios)
  • Manor Court Mews (Kingston, Jamaica)
  • The Willows  (Kingston, Jamaica)
  • Pineapple Cottage (Trelawny)
  • Sunny Escape Villa (Ocho Rios)
  • Villa Optima (Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth)
  • Oasis at The Palms - Richmond (St. Ann)
  • Pineapple House at Tryall (Hanover)
  • Silent Waters Villa (Montego Bay)
  • Kingston Villas

But there is a little ocean view, 5 bedroom, placid and unencumbered villa on the 'other side' of Jamaica that I'll hasten to recommend. It is called Moon San Villa, in serene Portland!

Moon San Villa At A Glance


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What's special about them? What sets them apart?

Exceptional staff, tranquil atmosphere, incredible Jamaican food, and the part that my wife will cherish forever - the amazing boat tour - which includes the world famous blue lagoon & mineral spring, alligator head and the monkey island! 

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The Ambiance

Despite it's rustic feel, the place was spanking clean and quite-natured. We felt right at home upon entry!


The property overlooks the ocean over another set of villas below, and so, the view from the balcony was breathtaking.

We also got the opportunity to listen and enjoy the gentle swish of the ocean waves below on the rock.

Rooms & Accommodation


Rooms are simple but spacious, comfy and of course, private. And yes, they have all the basic amenities, which includes air-conditioning, cable tv and of course, hot and cold water.


By the way, I needed to tell you this... I've heard about the ROKU, but I used it first here. It's a device used to bring the internet to your legacy TV set - if you have one. So yes, all the movies, videos, sports etc can be had right there.


I also needed to tell you this too :-)

My wife fell in love with their massaging shower head. Long story short, I had to buy one soon after getting back home :-)

Food & Dining

By now you probably know that I've reviewed several hotels, attractions and eatery here in Jamaica right?

And you also know that I speak highly (for the most part) about the food, right?


But I have to be honest with you and say that the food here is one of the best! ... truly authentic Jamaican!

And that too is a feature, or should I say a benefit, of a villa vacation; you get the real stuff from the backyard garden, the nearby sea or down the local market!

Kelly spoilt us with a hefty fish dinner in the evening - just before she left for home!

Both my wife and I had delicious escoveitched snapper fish! But her's was stuffed with buttery calalloo and garlic - sumptuous!


In the morning, Donna, who had to call us several times for breakfast, sorry again Donna :-), she made sure we had a big one - complete Jamaican style:

  • Ackee and saltfish
  • Roasted Breadfruit
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Rich blue mountain coffee
  • Orange Juice &
  • A hefty plate of fruits (each), comprising papaya, ripe bananas, pineapple and watermelon

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The Staff

Well, I told you earlier about how great the staff here is, right?
But again I'll say it... In fact, I'll say that they are more than great, they are wonderful - and it is not because Kelly and Donna gave us a 'whole heap' (English: extra serving) of food :-)

Although that could be a part of it :-) 

But their mannerisms, their work ethic, their willingness to go above and beyond to make sure we are ok, every hour of the day, sets them apart from other villas - I would guess.

vacation_villas_in_jamaica_moon_san_villa_staff_donnaDonna, preparing Ackee & Saltfish for us

Above is Donna - the Manager, 'head chef and bottle washer!'


Above are Kelly and Michael.

Kelly is basket of fun and energy. She was the one that prepared dinner for us, something that she clearly enjoys.

And Michael, he's just an awesome guy -very accommodating and willing. He was also the one who did the boat tour with us - more on that below though.

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By the way, both Michael and Donna started working at Moon San Villa the same time! 17 years ago! To me, that's more than commitment, it's passion, and I tell you, it comes out in their service delivery.

I had a chat with them and learned a lot.
In the discussion they spoke highly of some of their most ardent guests:

  • Nancy and her family (of up to 10 persons), that visited every single year from Canada
  • Steve and his family from Nashville, Tennessee, and
  • Sally and her family from California.

I was impressed with their rate or returnees, but I was not surprised considering how well they take care of their guests.

The Boat Tour

And here comes the fun, most memorable, part!  The boat tour.
Under the stewardship of Michael, we toured the famous blue lagoon, the monkey island and also viewed the alligator head.

vacation_villas_in_jamaica_boat_tourin_portland_wellesley_and_omeilWellesley & Wife on African Star boat in Portland, Jamaica

We stopped at the mineral spring, adjacent the blue lagoon - the water was as clear as crystal - unbelievable! It is said to have many healing and therapeutic properties as well.

My wife, after waking through scarily, took a swing!


It was fun but also highly educational. For example, we learned from Micheal and the locals that :

  • The mineral spring has therapeutic and medicinal properties
  • The blue lagoon is 213 ft deep 
  • Brook Shields and Boyz 2 Men are just two of the notable popular icons that had movie shots here
  • Many of the villas are owned by the wealthy in Jamaica including businessmen and politicians
  • One of the villas on the sea side is a frequent hangout spot for american actor, Tom Cruise

We then went across to the monkey island - from where I was left breathless, well almost - literally :-), as you saw in the video.

wellesley_gayle_on_monkey_island_in_portlandWellesley Gayle, Monkey-ing on Monkey Island


I can go on and on, but I know video shares the message even clearer, 'nuh true'? :-)

Looking back now, I'm so happy that I recorded some of the moments to be able to share them with you.

Are you ready? Just hit play and enjoy.
Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get even more though

Video - Live From The Blue Lagoon, Portland Jamaica

Video - Live From Monkey Island, Portland Jamaica

Video - Live From The Mineral Spring At The Blue Lagoon, Portland Jamaica

You'd think all that was fun right? EXACTLY!

I told my wife that this will go down as one of our most memorable wedding anniversary trips!



I honestly believe that Portland is the most beautiful parish in Jamaica! Rustic, simple, clean, serene and with some of the most breathtaking views! Here are a few pics I wanted to share with you.

vacation_villas_in_jamaica__bull_bay_portlandBull Bay, Portland - View from the main road
portland_simple_but_cleanAn old shack on the main road in Portland

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In summary, it was a fantastic trip, we enjoyed every moment. Of course, I'd hasten to recommend that if you are looking for a villa type accommodation, especially somewhere to in the Portland area, try Moon San Villa - the staff there is amazing.

Thanks again Greg, Michael, Donna and Kelly for hosting us in the best way possible. Love you team!

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Contact For The Boat Tours / Moon San Villa

As you saw, I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to Moon San Villa in Portland. I figured that you would be interested in getting more more information about the villa itself or the tours so I've created this contact form to them for you.

Simply complete this form (below the picture) and Greg or someone from his team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

You may also use the following information to contact them. If you do, just remember to tell them I sent you and ask for your special rate.


Moon San Villa
Port Antonio
Jamaica W.I. 


1 876 993-7777



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