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Unfair! Jamaican Reggae Girlz GoalKeeper Gets The Stick on Social Media

You know by now that Jamaica created history yesterday by becoming the first Caribbean team to play in the Women's Football World cup yesterday right?

You can read my article here.

Yeah man, it was all over the media, and not by any means least, talked about in every 'nook and cranny' of Jamaica.

Well, we (Jamaica) lost the match 3-0 to one of the tournament giants, Brazil.

I watched the match fully, even though I had some anxious moments before the match - (no)thanks to my cable provider.

We did well, considering the odds were always against us. In fact when my daughter was getting mad from the Brazilian goals, I reminded her that, we had already achieved much.

Getting into a prestigious competition like this, especially with the start (or should I say 'no start') that the girlz had that was heartening for me.

Anyway, as expected, the reviews are all over the news as well, and not just in Jamaica, FOX news network, out of the US, published this article, "American-born goalkeeper, 19, steps into spotlight for Jamaica during Women's World Cup".

One player that stood out was the 19 year old Sydney Schneider. She was awesome, even saving a penalty to restrict the Brazilians!

The FOX writer noted that...

Schneider, who is from New Jersey, is eligible to play for the Jamaican national team because her maternal grandparents were born in the Caribbean country.

I read the entire story and felt is was a very honest and balanced review by at top US news network.

But then, the social media comments followed below the article. There were some positive ones for the most part but then there were the haters :-(

I know people are people, have their own opinions, its a free world and all, but it really truly irked me when I saw comments like these...

  • "If she is American born she should be playing for America, there are several states with legalized pot, so no need to live in Jamaica anymore."

  • "Sooooo..... they lost 3-0 and they are happy? Must be the pot.

  • "She should be required to wear blk make up. That way she won't take attention away from other players."

  • "Does not make sense to me that you play for a country other than your citizenship and still call it a world cup"

    And then this...

  • "I once drank some Caribbean rum. That should qualify me for the Jamaican men's team, right?"

Not just unfortunate, this is disgusting, if you asked me! (sigh). But then, that's just me. Is social media gone too far?

Or it's just me getting too worked up?

What's your take on it? I invite your comments below.

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Jul 18, 2019
Well Done You make us proud
by: Anonymous

Well done Jamaica you are rising and will get better and better each time you play. Forget the naysayers. It takes determination and courage to play against teams like Brazil and you have demonstrated this. Teams like the USA, Brazil, France and the UK have been playing for many years and have more resources. We are proud of you! You are doing great!

One day Jamaica you will win the Cup. We little but we tallawa!

Jun 10, 2019
Go Reggae Girlz
by: Anonymous

Don't let that stop you from your dream.

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