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Two Weeks of Rest and Relaxation - Jamaica Style

by John Allen
(Colorado Springs, CO. USA)

My wife and I flew to Jamaica on March 18th and stayed for two weeks. The first week we stayed at a villa in Whitehouse.

It was a lovely place and we got the rest and relaxation we wanted. We also took the opportunity to explore the surrounding towns on that side (Western)of the island.

If you are ever near the Blue Waters Restaurant, we dined there several evenings during our stay. We heartily recommend it for both the food and the view.

After visiting a long time friend's Mother in Kingston for the weekend, we went over to Ocho Rios and spent the second week exploring that side of the island.

As you might expect for that area, we found several excellent restaurants. Our favorite restaurant was a five minute walk up the hill from the villa we were staying at. We spent many relaxing late afternoons and evenings there.

My only disappointment was that I was not able to get the website information I needed to be able to contact principals of some of the high schools in Jamaica.

I am 70 year old professional engineer, scientist, and manager with 45 years of research and development experience and six patents.

I was hoping to get enough information to apply to teach chemistry, physics, and higher level mathematics to high school students interested in a career in some of the newest technologies I have enjoyed.

Even though my wife and I were total strangers to the people of Jamaica, we were always treated with courtesy and respect. We found the people in Jamaica to be very helpful; they volunteered advice and suggestions which were always helpful.

Final question: will I return to Jamaica? Absolutely!

Jamaica, Mon!
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Wellesley' Note
Actually, nothing to say :-) John was very comprehensive in his report. Thank you John!

My only disappointment was that I didn't get to meet you and your wife as we planned, but I understand my friend. And we agreed... definitely next time!


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See also: Places To Stay In Jamaica

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