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Transgender Female Retiring in Jamaica?

by Anna

Well am putting this out there for people in the know, I am a 70 yr old Transgender female that has gender re assignment surgery so in effect am legally an infertile female, and my papers list me as female.

Now I have close friends in Jamaica and am on my own in my country which is Australia. My friends want me to retire in Jamaica. I am worried that even though your tourism minister is wanting LGBTI to vacation here that I may be facing issues with the Government, even though am totally female. Thank's for reading.


Wellesley's Note
Hi Anna,

First of all, Happy New Year!
I was actually typing my New Year's Message to my readers when I saw your note. I sincerely wish you the very best for this upcoming year.

I noticed however that you didn't solicit a response from on this matter - just a statement and a thank you for reading note - not that I am an expert on the topic here anyway but was it deliberate?

Either way, I still want to thank you for sharing your point of view with us.

I understand that transgender issues are still a sensitive topic in many parts of the world, including Jamaica, so I do appreciate your courage to write to us publicly on this matter.

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Jan 11, 2018
Think about it
by: Anonymous

Given the hostilities faced by gays, bisexuals and transgenders in Jamaica why would your friends invite you to retire there? You should really give serious consideration to this move. Jamaica is a very homophobic country so I will truly say thank twice and think hard before you would make such a move.

Jan 10, 2018
Wrong Decision
by: Anonymous

I know you are making the wrong decision. You need to research your decision. Don't follow the advice of your "friends". They are not giving you the right advice or are they really your friends?

Dec 31, 2017
Wishing to add to my post
by: Anna/Australia

All viewpoints are wanted , am seeking answerss to this , I am reticent to ask the immigration dept , but will if need be

Dec 31, 2017
LGBT retiring in Ja
by: Anonymous

Jamaica may not be your best choice . Very unfriendly to LGBT folks. Think carefully. Best of luck to you.

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