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Top 10 New Year's Resolutions For Jamaicans

by Deon Clarke | Associate Writer

New Year Fireworks
Photo: Fireworks at New Year's Celebration

I often wonder what’s the point in setting New Year’s resolutions. Every year many of us make endless lists of things we wish to accomplish or bad habits we hope to drop in the coming year and we just never seem to accomplish them. The first month or two, or even three months might go exceptionally well but after a while, it is right back to our old habits. The problem with New Year’s resolutions is that many people just say what they want to accomplish in the coming year without really making the necessary changes to see their goals come to fruition. Making the resolution is just about as far as it will go for them.

What can be done about this though? A resolution can only be achieved when goals and targets go along with it! So let’s do it right this time and you might just be amazed at the results – You could actually achieve your New Year’s resolution.

Here in Jamaica, many people do not set a New Year’s resolution but for the ones who do, here are 10 popular resolutions normally set, in no particular order.
  1. Eating Healthier – Jamaicans are very health conscious, possibly even more in thoughts than in practice, lol. We usually allow ourselves to indulge a little bit more during the festive season and we find comfort in the fact that we will eat healthier in the New Year (which most times we know will not happen). Eating healthier in the New Year is definitely one of the popular resolutions that are usually set.

  2. Going To The Gym/To Lose Weight – Quite a number of Jamaicans are well above their desired weight levels and to lose weight is another popular resolution that many set for the New Year, especially by women. Exercising or going to the gym isn’t maintained for long. However, it is always high on the agenda as a New Year’s resolution each year.

  3. Going Back to School - Continuing education after high school is very important in Jamaica. Although some persons can’t afford to continue to college or university directly after high school, many will get a job and save before going back. If college is definitely out of the question because of financial constraints then some diploma or certificate in a vocational field is done instead. Because of the resolutions made in the new year a lot of these programs begin in January.

  4. To Start Building A House or To Buy A House – One of the many and most important dreams of most Jamaicans is homeownership. Owning a home or having somewhere to call your very own is almost always at the forefront of the minds of most ambitious Jamaicans. With each new year, this has certainly become a popular New Year’s Resolution.

    Those who already own land will start purchasing building materials to get the ball rolling while others will go house hunting with the aim that they will be able to celebrate Christmas in their very own home.

  5. To Buy A Car – Another popular New Year’s resolution by Jamaicans is to purchase a car. Jamaicans love to be mobile once they can afford to be so whether it’s a new car or one that needs a little fixing up, rest assured, this one is always on the agenda for the New Year.

  6. Saving More Money - While the festivities of the holiday season may come with a lot of spending and even extra spending, Jamaicans love to save and the new year provides just the right opportunity for a clean start. As a result, saving more of that hard-earned cash is usually among the top New Year's resolutions for Jamaicans.

  7. Finding A New Job - The new year is a great time for many Jamaicans to transition to a new job or to try something new. There are usually a lot more job opportunities at the beginning of the new year and finding a new job is usually a popular New Year’s resolution at this time.

  8. Starting A New Business - Another popular New Year’s resolution for Jamaicans is to start a new business. Jamaicans are very creative and innovative especially when it comes to business ideas and many choose to start that long-awaited business at the beginning of the new year.

  9. To Be happier or have better mental health – Of course, not everyone is into material motivation for a New Year’s resolution. The social or emotional aspects are just as important and some Jamaicans just want to live a happier life and make this their resolution for the year, whether this means cutting loose some negative persons in their lives or just finding creative ways to keep a positive attitude.

  10. To Be a Better Person – I think this one is a universal New Year’s resolution and for Jamaicans, it is no different. Most people want to be the best version of themselves and what better way to do this than at the beginning of the new year, letting go of the old baggage of the old year and having a clean start to a brand new year?
So there you have it. What about you? What is your New Year’s resolution this year? Remember a resolution is no good without goals and targets and of course motivation. For me, I’m just gonna set some goals and develop ways to achieve them. May all your dreams come through for another New Year!!!

I also recommend you read, Happy New Year - Plus 12 New Year Must Do's.



Editor's Note
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