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This Taught Me A Lot More About Jamaica - Thanks

by LisaGaye

Hello Wellesley :-) I hope you are fine. I have read your 20 page report and I must say I am quite impress!

I can actually hear the passion in the way you write. I would like to extend my appreciation to you for taking the time to compose this report so that others like myself can get a better idea of how you went about "turning your passion into a profitable web business".

You have done well and I would like to congratulate you!

Wonderful job.... :-) and you know what? While I was reading your report, I kept smiling and thinking how simple you make it all seem! and I'm like "wow!" You are amazing at what you do!

Keep it up ok. "Sharing the uniqueness of Jamaica to the world," is this your tag line? I looove it!

Overall I love what you are doing. I like the idea of the whole concept, its perfect.

I have learnt and have been learning so much about my island Jamaica that I wasn't aware of before.

Thank you so much for this. I am truly inspired by your work and in addition I love the fact that you decided to base all of this on our home Jamaica!

May God continue to bless you my friend. Once again, Congrats! :-)

Wellesley's Note
Hi LisaGaye,

The pleasure is mine my friend! I simply did what I like doing, sharing my passion for my country with the world.

But thanks for the warm and encouraging words.

I'm glad that you are not just finding value in my website but inspired by what I do. To god be the glory.

These days I'm a bit starved for time, but I'll continue to do my best to share insightful information with all my readers.

Thanks again dear, you have a wonderful day as well my friend.

Do remember to share my site with your friends too OK :-)


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