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The Jamaican Arrowroot Plant 
Major Health Benefits + Uses

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The Jamaican Arrowroot PlantThe Jamaican Arrowroot Plant

By Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

By now we have introduced you to many Jamaican herbs, both popular ones and some not-so-common. So I think it's full-time we introduce you to this gem, the Jamaican Arrowroot plant. It is scientifically known as Maranta arundinacea and has been a go-to in traditional diets and remedies for over 7,000 years.

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What Exactly is Arrowroot?

Okay, so arrowroot comes from the rhizomes (underground stems) of the arrowroot plant. Here in Jamaica, we use the rhizomes fresh. It is gratered and used topically for wounds, such as dog bites. While I don’t have never eaten arrowroot, I am told some people enjoy it when boiled or added to stews.

Others stick to using arrowroot powder. Once the rhizomes are harvested, they’re processed into a fine, white powder—arrowroot flour. This flour is a great addition to your favourite sauces, soups, and desserts, especially if you’re into gluten-free cooking. But there’s way more to this simple plant.

Nutritional Goodness: What’s Inside?

Don’t let the mild flavour of arrowroot fool you, is surprisingly packed with nutrients. In just one cup of arrowroot slices, you get a solid mix of carbs, protein, and important minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. It’s low in calories, so it’s great if you’re watching your waistline, but it doesn’t skimp on the good stuff your body needs.

The Benefits

Arrowroot isn’t just another pretty plant; it’s got some serious health perks. Let’s break them down:

1. Helps with weightloss
I know that weight loss can sometimes be a struggle. Arrowroot can help. It’s full of fibre and resistant starch, which means it keeps you full longer, perfect for avoiding those snack attacks. Plus, it’s low-cal, so you can enjoy it without worrying about the scale.

2. Helps with Digestion
If your stomach’s a bit sensitive, arrowroot is your friend. It’s great for soothing your digestive system, especially if you’ve got issues like IBS or celiac disease. Plus, it’s been used for ages as a natural remedy for diarrhoea.

3. Gluten-Free
For those who can’t go near gluten, arrowroot is a lifesaver. It’s completely gluten-free and works as a perfect substitute for wheat flour in cooking and baking. From bread to cookies to thickening sauces, arrowroot does it all without the gluten.

4. Packed with B vitamins
Arrowroot is also a great source of B vitamins, especially niacin and folate. These vitamins do wonders for your energy levels, skin health, and even your nerves. Pregnant? Folate is key for a healthy pregnancy, and arrowroot’s got you covered.

5. Helps You Sleep Better
If you’re tossing and turning at night, arrowroot might be just what you need. Thanks to its high magnesium content, it helps regulate sleep and can even improve the quality of your shut-eye.

6. Good for Your Skin
Arrowroot isn’t just for eating, it’s great for your skin too! It’s used in all sorts of skincare products because it can absorb oil, soothe irritation, and even help clear up acne.

Traditional Benefits

Arrowroot has been a go-to in traditional medicine for centuries, especially in Ayurveda. It’s known for its cooling effect and is often used to treat inflammation and wounds. Fun fact: back in the day, it was even used to draw out poison from arrow wounds, hence the name “arrowroot.” Pretty cool, right?

Arrowroot vs. Cornstarch: What’s the Difference?

You might be wondering, “Isn’t arrowroot just like cornstarch?” Well, not quite. While both are used as thickeners, arrowroot has more fibre, which is better for digestion and blood sugar control. It’s also the go-to for those with corn allergies or anyone avoiding gluten.

Cooking with Arrowroot: Simple Tips

Ready to get cooking? Here’s how to make the most of arrowroot in your kitchen:

  • Thickening Sauces: Mix it with cold water before adding it to hot liquids to avoid any clumps.
  • Baking: Swap it in for wheat flour at a 1:1 ratio in most recipes.
  • Homemade Ice Cream: A little arrowroot powder can help keep your ice cream smooth by preventing ice crystals from forming.

So, there you have it! Arrowroot is more than just a pantry staple—it’s a powerhouse of nutrients and health benefits. Whether you’re looking to stay fit, improve digestion, or even up your skincare game, arrowroot’s got your back. So why not give it a try? Your body (and your taste buds) will be glad you did!

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References & Sources For The Jamaican Arrowroot Plant

  1. Henon, K. (2022, October 22). The Benefits of Arrowroot. PlanetBake.'s%20benefits%20include%20no%20gluten,cholesterol%20levels%2C%20improves%20kidney%20health%2C
  2. Binu, S. (2024, April 25). Arrowroot: Health Benefits, Nutrition, Uses Of Arrowroot Powder, Recipes And Side Effects. Netmeds.
  3. Richards, L. (2022, July 29). What to know about arrowroot.

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