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Comments for The PHILLPOTTS family (Spanish Town Area)

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Oct 13, 2012
It's a crying shame and disgrace!

It's a shame that a simple thing like trying to know who your family is has turned into a dramatic performance.
Most normal families are proud of their heritage but this hot mess I do not understand. But none the less, for what ever reason my family has decided to remain insane, paranoid, thieving, and crooked. I still love you dearly.
But I thank God that he has not disowned me, For the record no matter what you want to hide and steal. you are my blood as retarded as you may be and I love you dearly. Be blessed with common sense.

Oct 13, 2012

It is a disgrace that this family was not civil enough to come together for a simple thing like family history. Which normal families always engage in without fear of being recognized as a family member. For what ever insane reason.
But none the same we are family! And as wacky thieving and paranoid as some of you may be. I love you dearly.
And no matter how retarded folks decide to act, they cannot erase a blood line that has such a strong and confusing almost hilarious legacy. Lol!

Dec 19, 2010
a reply---
by: Kim

Greetings Family! Merry Christmas!

To to last (anonymous) poster--

I have not had the time recently to investigate the sources you have provided. I have been busy with our daughter's school activities and working. These are busy busy days!

I will let you know what I find, when I find it, if you'd like to give me your email address. I won't post that info here cause it tends to tick some people off. You may send your name and contact info to my email address listed in a previous posting below. Be sure to refer to your posted comment so I know which 'anonymous' you are.



Dec 19, 2010
by: Anonymous

have you tried to contact him

Dec 19, 2010
money is all we want
by: Anonymous

what are family looking for

what is so important about claudette phillpotts fake and false

Dec 13, 2010
have you been in contact with
by: Anonymous

have you been in contact with jamaican family tree researchers on these web site

plus looking at directory pipi profile to ask them about there family history

so what do you think

have you finished your family tree yet

Dec 13, 2010
origin meaning
by: Anonymous

what do you think about this web link about the origin of what the surname means kim

Nov 12, 2010
reply to 'anonymous'
by: Kim Tinsley

To 'Anonymous'

I have checked out all the links you've supplied. Some further investigation will have to be done once I have the time.
As for the book, no, I have not seen it before. I might consider buying it. The page count seems small and I wonder how many of those pages might be photos or illustrations to 'bulk up' the content. Hopefully, its not just a sham to make money.

Thanks for share the information you have found.


Nov 08, 2010
have you got this book kim
by: Anonymous

did you know that was a book about the phillpotts name in history. have you got it kim, what di you think of it

found it on this wen site, what do think|GBOBIT|GBSSDI|GBBOOK|GBDOC

Nov 08, 2010
are of these people your family
by: Anonymous

have of my last web site links helped

Nov 08, 2010
are of these people your family
by: Anonymous

have of my last web site links helped

Nov 08, 2010
do you have family in au
by: Anonymous

Nov 08, 2010
have you tried this as well
by: Anonymous

Nov 07, 2010
have you tried
by: Anonymous

Nov 07, 2010
every thing can not be free
by: Anonymous

there is no big secret, but you just have to pay a professional organisation, and maybe not all your family wants there business to be all out in the public. as the research you have done is it easily accessible. face it in life you can not always get the answers you want. and many of the people you are asking may never had known, the great interest in family tree, as only be possible due to the internet, cheapness get cheapness. what have you paid for to find this information

Sep 10, 2010
Fed Up
by: Kim

Well, I am coming to the conclusion that there must be some BIG FAMILY SECRET out there and some people in the know are afraid of it getting out.

The last entry made a somewhat valid point. But, and this is a BIG BUT, I made my name and contact information available and has anyone bothered to contact me? No. Especially the two biggest whiners, they haven't bothered to email or pick up the phone. Well let me tell you. I am a VERY curious person and I know how to use the internet. And I WILL PAY the few dollars to find information at those websites, if no one wants to assist me. This could have been handled personally, if anyone had bothered. This family inquiry could have been ended long time ago, if any one had bothered. But instead, my 'family' prefers to whine.

Yes, once your information is out there, it's there. But wouldn't you rather have your information submitted correctly instead of what someone else thinks they know? The page where I am working on my family tree is password protected, so it is not 'out there' for everyone to see. I even have the option of restricting how much can be seen by those linking their tree to mine.

BTW, sometimes its a matter of forgetting to put a name in the space provided, but I think it cowardly to submit an anonymous post. Like you said, you can use initials.

Well, that's all I have to say for now. If you don't like it, don't post here.

Sep 09, 2010
Reasons to be considerate.
by: Anonymous

I too have a close connection to the Phillpott's of Spanish Town, and I to understand and have the desire to find and keep a record of my ancestry.

What I believe everyone needs to realize is that once something is out onto the Internet you almost always cannot erase that information completely.

This information does not only offend peoples sensitivities but there is very real danger of identity theft (Google the term) and related mischief.

Just search your name on and yes the most detailed info requires payment but its scary how much information is publicly available that we do not need to add to it by posting peoples full names and their familial links without their express permission to an open forum such as this.

I realize the sophistication level of everyone as regards the Internet is not the same so I would urge all who have done this to attempt to edit their posts to remove full names and possibly use initials etc for references.

The suggestion to take this to a password moderated site where access can be limited via customizable levels (family trees) and edited as needed would be quite wise.


Aug 31, 2010
The Real meaning of Family
by: Claudette Phillpotts

I have personally been blessed by knowing my family history. It is a blessing to know where you come from because it gives you a foundation, pride, and great appreciation of where you are going. I am proud of the fact that my aunt Doris Phillpotts Sealy raised me.

She was a very loving kind and giving christian woman. Who i miss dearly and loved so greatly. It is a shame that others are offended about us knowing our legacy.

Legacy is a treasure that passes from generation to generation. For those who are truly interested in knowing who their family is,I commend you for continuing the search.

It is so sad that for whatever reasons we have to sift through wheat to find out who we are related to. But when we do we will fill all the pieces of the puzzle. That has been scattered through the years gone by. So as we Learn of our family Let us be proud that we come from a very gifted intelligent multi-talented family.

Jul 31, 2010
by: Imogen

Hi Kim, Sorry about my message appearing three times not sure what happen there. Just a correction HUBERT PHILLPOTTS was my great grandfather not great great grandfather. Sorry about that, getting all confused looking for too many relatives at once. with regards Imogen

Jul 31, 2010
by: Imogen

Hi Kim, I was wondering if my family of Phillpotts fits in anywhere. My great great grandfather was a Hubert Phillpotts he was born 1874 in Glamorgan Wales. He obviously moved to Burnley Lancashire where he lived the remainder of his days. My gandmother was a Marian Phillotts my father's mother. My father always said they were related to Eden Phillpotts 1862-1960. My sister and have become curious about our relatives since the recent death of my mother and my father now in the throws of dementia. It made us realise just how little we knew and so have decided to investigate our family tree. Let's see what we find! with regards

Jul 15, 2010
in response to my imaginary death!
by: claudette

whoever posted the lie of my suppose to be untimely death must be truly suffering from some serious psychological issues. for the record, I HAVE NOT NOR AM I IN DANGER OF LOOSING MY LIFE. Even though some wicked anonymous close relative who has spent time in a mental institution desires it to be so. I know who you are! and you better hope you remain alive and well!
I bind up every lie, and rebuke every generational word curse in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of nazareth!
I hope and pray you get the necessary mental and physical help that you need. Since you continually desire to live and operate in such a debilitating capacity.

Jul 09, 2010
Replies in sections 1/3
by: Kim Phillpotts Tinsley


Answering postings: April 8 thru July 8---this is being posted in sections.

April 8 from (no name listed)
Thanks for the cousinconnect website. No, I am not on there yet.

April 11 from Anthony
Just looking for any family history---names, dates, locations, interesting stories.
I am not using a professional service. I am using for my main site to compile my information and some others more in a reference sense.
As for folks getting upset---I have no clue. Perhaps I opened a can of worms and didn?t know it.
I am searching for family wherever the clues lead me.

April 11 from Anonymous
I have not done a mass mailing using Facebook although, there seems to be many
Relatives on Facebook. Thanks for the suggestion.

April 30 from Janice Phillpotts
Janice---thanks for joining our postings. I will look for you on Facebook soon. I am not
sure where Scoop comes into the picture. Or Allan. I do have an uncle named Alan.

May 1 from Anonymous
The family info being collected by both Claudette and myself is being posted on If you go there a begin a family tree of your own, the program will recognize any common ancestors and ask if we wish to ?merge? trees. Starting a tree of your own gives you an element of privacy (various settings are available), your own password access, and allows you to work your tree independant of ours for the time being. You can email me at ozarkat ?a t? mac ?d o t? com (replace words in quotations with appropriate symbol. This hopefully prevents webcrawlers from collecting my email address and spamming me to death!) We can share info.

May 1 from Janice
Yes, I remember Rupert being mentioned to me. I believe he is my grandfather?s half-brother. I have yet to fill in down his line. I will make note of your information. If you also begin a tree at, our trees will eventually ?match? our common relative and we can merge. Below shows how you and I relate:
Thomas Chas. P (GGF)-->John Chester P (GF)-->John A, O?s Phillpotts (F)--> Kim (me)
Thomas Chas. P (GGF)-->Rupert P. (GF)-->Winston P (F)-->Janice (you)

Jul 09, 2010
replies in sections 2/3
by: Kim Phillpotts Tinsley


May 2 from Anonymous

Not sure why you think the comments of family linking up not making sense. Can I somehow help it make sense?
Naming of parents, grandparents, etc will not do any good here unless you know how they relate to one another. (One person?s brother may be another?s grandfather). Once again, I invite you to start a tree at It?s very easy.
How far back has the family been traced? With help from Claudette, the family tree goes back to John Piper Phillpotts (1744-1814) and his wife, Sybella Phillpotts. We currently have 7 generations on our family tree.
Also, to help everyone here, posting as ?Anonymous? doesn?t help anyone link to you. We don?t know who ?Anonymous? is or how you relate to us. Of course, I suspect some don?t want to be linked (?).

May 2 from (no name listed)
A question of privacy. I would think if you had an issue about something being private, it would have been told in confidence and you need to specifically ask that person not to share a private piece of information. As for the website, if you begin your own tree, you have a password protected account; trees will not automatically merge unless you give your ?okay?; you may select your level of privacy for various options. For instance, my privacy setting for my ?family? allows 2nd cousins and closer (for me and my husband?s family) to view our tree. Also allowed are in-laws of our first cousins.

May 2 from Pauline
Hi Pauline, I don?t think I have made your acquaintance. I do not yet have you listed in my tree. How are we related? I am not sure what information posted here has offended you. You mentioned, in the past year I have not found the information I am seeking. Probably because I have a life other than on the internet that I must attend to. This is sort of a hobby for me in my spare time. Also, there was a generational mistake made in our family tree during a merging. This problem had to be resolved before continuing. Schedule conflicts and interuptions of internet access delayed this repair. It is done and and I will try to carry on.
As for agreeing with Myrna?s April posting, I assume you mean the speaking on the phone instead of posting online. Well, I am now answering all these postings at 2am in the morning. I don?t suppose anyone would appreciate me calling at 2am. Thankfully, I don?t work on Fridays normally. I have covered this subject before and invited anyone to contact me directly.

May 2 from Anonymous
What has been completed on the family tree? Contact me directly and I will share with you.

Jul 09, 2010
Answering comments--3/3 sections
by: Kim Phillpotts Tinsley


May 2 from Anonymous
Yes, it seems Janice and I are cousins. We have the same Great grandfather, Thomas Charles Phillpotts. I suppose once I get in contact with Janice she will have a lot to share with me.

May 2 from Anonymous
Regarding online tree and passwords. I think I have covered that elsewhere sufficiently.
If it is too much work to start your own tree, feel free to contact me and we can share info.

May 2 from Pauline
You are not happy with your cousins? names beling listed. How do they feel? They haven?t said anything to me. As for the older family members...if they are deceased, I doubt they care.
Sometimes in life you cannot get answers, sometimes you can?t have it your way either. Surely there is a compromise.

May 2 from Anonymous
Family photos. Somewhere I have some photos, but they don?t go back too far as we misplaced a box sometime when I was just a kid. The website also provides for placing photos, short videos, and links to other websites.

May 2 from Pauline
I still do not understand why a name, date or relationship is offensive to anyone. I agree that ?anonymous? postings should come with a name attached.

May 2 from Anonymous
New states? Not quite sure what your question is.

June 10 from Anonymous
OH MY! Claudette is NOT dead. She called me about this matter tonight and ask me to post for her that she is very much alive.

June 15 from Kevin (My twin brother!)
I wonder if you published a request in the HMB Review, maybe someone might come forth with the goods. But then again, after all these years a bunch of papers will mean nothing to them. Was probably trashed long ago. Bummer

June 27 from Anonymous
Here I am! Updating! Sorry been awfully busy of late. Trying to get back in the swing of things.

Once again, family tree website used:
My email: ozarkat ?a t? mac ?d o t? com (remove spaces, insert the symbols)


Jul 08, 2010
CLAUDETTE is ALIVE and Well and....
by: Anonymous

Someone mistakenly reported here in this forum that

I can assure you, SHE IS NOT DEAD. She is ALIVE and kicking and pretty darn mad that someone would post such information. She has a good idea who posted it, and hun, you better watch your back. She's mad, mad, mad.

Now, on to other subjects.

Family, friends and contacts. I'm sorry I have been away from the message board for quite sometime. Life has kept me hopping. At the end of June, my beloved mother-in-law passed away. We are still dealing with everything that entails. I see there are so many postings here I need to reply to. Please be patient and I will do what I can as soon as I can.


Kim Phillpotts Tinsley

PS to Wellesley: WOW, this board is taking off! Congrats on its success!

Jun 27, 2010
by: Anonymous

hello Kim,

when are you going to update this page again. I think if you can ask claudette, she has the contact details of the clarke side of the family. They may be some relatives in michigan.

Have you finished created your family tree, is it published online. How do you access to add

Jun 15, 2010
by: Kevin I. Phillpotts

Kim, this has really taking off. Sorry I didn't have much to add to your data base, as I told you before the info I had that Aunt Helen and Dad had given me was stolen when I was living with Dad on 6th St. in was contained in what I refered to as my "zebra box". If anyone out there reading this is the one who lifted it and still has the documents, you can see from the following messages that the information was quite dear to me and my sister. If you wish to return the documents, mail it to me at:
311 Magnolia Ave
Everett, WA 98302
no questions asked, but very grateful.

Jun 10, 2010
family death
by: Anonymous

very sorry to hear of the death of Claudette.

May 02, 2010
new states
by: Anonymous

has any one found any other new family in not mentioned new american states

i looked on and found some that may be related to us all

May 02, 2010
so put your names
by: pauline

i do not think that is right to add older members of the family names to this blog page, do we not have respect that they may not want to be on this public web site. every one should just list names to comments added.

May 02, 2010
old family photographs
by: Anonymous

does any one have any old family photographs to exhange online

May 02, 2010
dont agree with pauline
by: Anonymous

this is not your page, so who ever wants to add family information is up too them. i enjoy looking at this page and may be i will get the answers i need in history

May 02, 2010
i am
by: pauline

i am related and i am not happy with lots my cousin names listed on this web page blog. i do not think the older members of the family who just want to be left in peace. some times in life you can not get the answers you want

May 02, 2010
access family tree
by: Anonymous

how do i access the family tree done already

where is it online, what are the passwords

May 02, 2010
answers janice
by: Anonymous

so is not janice your cousin kim, has she not got the answers to fill in your history along with claudette

May 02, 2010
completed family tree
by: Anonymous

has anyone completed the family tree yet, i am getting confused who is linked to who has no one is putting both parents male and female. what has been done so far

May 02, 2010
who is pauline
by: Anonymous

how are you related to the family pauline

May 02, 2010
why 2
by: pauline

myrna april 4th. message why. why is so much personal family business online. is this not better just to speak private on the telephe. face to face
what is achieved by digging up old stories

so what history has been joined up, just repeating the same named people nothing new listed

May 02, 2010
agree with myrna
by: pauline

i agree with myrna comments in april. why is so much personal information listed on this web page. have you all asked all the family members listed. if you want to your own information then fine. but how would you like it if someone done that to you on a public. this page is over a year old have you all not found out what you are looking for

May 02, 2010

have you asked permission of all the family members personal and personal names published on this web site page.

can you not find each other on facebook and myspace

May 02, 2010
others aboard
by: Anonymous

you must know jackie your family in jamaica and america. can not your uncle tell you all your family history

May 02, 2010
is not making sense
by: Anonymous

all the comments of family linking up does not make sense.

who are the all the parents, grand parents and great grand parents. how far back has any one traced this family history to.

who are all the brother and sisters. where is the current family tree held online

May 01, 2010
other family members
by: Janice Phillpotts

Rupert Phillpotts(Scoop)was my grandfather, his son Winston Phillpotts (Sawyer, Shamadar, the Ras)was my father, I say was because they are deceased.I have one sister Michelle and two brothers Lloys and Junior. My father's uncle is Allan who I visited about two years ago in Spanish Town.

May 01, 2010
where is
by: Anonymous

how to do access the family information already found

May 01, 2010
can you explain more jackie
by: Anonymous

hi Jackie, can you explain more about your fathers and grand fathers relatives. how many brothers and sister. scoop has to be a pet.

what other family do you have in Canada

Apr 30, 2010
another family member
by: Anonymous

Hi, this is Janice Phillpotts aka Jackie, I was born in Spanish Town and these folks are my family, my father's name is Winston Phillpotts (the Rasta aka Sawyer or Shamadar) Scoop's son.

Scoop is Allan's brother. I'm trying to find my aunt Pansy who is my father's sister. I live in Toronto Canada, contact me at or on facebook.

Apr 30, 2010
by: Anonymous

Hi this is Janice Phillpotts aka Jackie,I was born in Spanish Town in 1968 and I'm related to these folks, My father is Winston Phillpotts you can contact me at or on facebook.

Apr 11, 2010
Have you done
by: Anonymous

Kim - Have you done a mass emailing search using the directory to ask all the people listed with the same last surname. Ask if they are related to you. One of them may be able to help.

Many listed with your last surname

Apr 11, 2010
Joining up
by: Anthony

I am not sure what family information you all are asking for?

As you all have not explained where your present family tree is held online. Is a professional company doing

I do not understand why in many messages any one is getting upset.

Are you looking for family in america, jamaica, canada or uk england.

Apr 08, 2010
many sources about
by: Anonymous

there are many web site to look at it depends on how much time you have

may be of some interest to you kim

good luck

Apr 08, 2010
are you on

are you on this web site

it is

you keep all your old messages for months, when do you remove and update

good luck

on your search kim

Apr 08, 2010
getting updated on the comments
by: Wellesley

In response to Kim:

Hi Kim, if you simply go back to the page and add another comment, it will give you the option to receive further updates - after clicking on the 'submit comment' button.

If you 'check' that box, it will simply ask you for your email address - you'll put that in and that's it, you'll get an update on all future comments or updates to that post.



Uh oh.....
by: Kim Tinsley


I accidently clicked the 'unsubscribe' link contained in the email that notifies me when someone posts here. I don't know if that will cause all these postings to disappear or what. I have written to Wellesley, the webmaster to report my goof-up. Hopefully, there won't be a problem. But, just in case, I have copied all the postings entered here, if anyone else should happen to need something, all is not lost!



Apr 08, 2010
Uh oh.....
by: Kim Tinsley


I accidentally clicked the 'unsubscribe' link contained in the email that notifies me when someone posts here. I don't know if that will cause all these postings to disappear or what. I have written to Wellesley, the webmaster to report my goof-up.

Hopefully, there won't be a problem. But, just in case, I have copied all the postings entered here, if anyone else should happen to need something, all is not lost!



Apr 07, 2010
Can you access this
by: Anonymous

are you kim and your family registered on the web site

what similiar family trees can you find

good luck


Apr 07, 2010
Are you
by: Anonymous

Are you related to Raquel Phillpotts - MISS JAMAICA UNIVERSE 2006 CONTESTANT. She was in the jamaican gleaner newspaper. Would she have any leads for you for family history tree

Apr 06, 2010
by: Kim Tinsley

Wooooohoooo! Doing the happy dance!
Thanks to everyone for the great leads on finding info!

Apr 06, 2010
try some web sites
by: Anonymous

can they help

registrar general department in jamaica. telephone 1-876 749 0550. they help trace ancestors

you will get all you need in the end

good luck

Apr 06, 2010
any use
by: Anonymous

try asking


would this help, did search for looking for family

maybe emailing them could help

good luck

Apr 06, 2010
Many in Kingston
by: Anonymous

I am not related but in the 1930' to 1970's there was many phillpotts in kingston and spanish town area. They had property and businesses and had a lot to do with a few local church. Many cousins and aunts and uncles. I am not sure how to search the death records in jamaica. But they must be listed some where listed

Apr 06, 2010
trace the land records
by: Anonymous

By looking at the old land records, you can see who was registered in the family groups. you should be able to ask the jamaican information offices or government web site where to look

And unless your going to ask for an advert request from jamaican newspapers, or any high school's, colleges or main university which does researching family history for help. Or online JA radio stations appeals

Are there no american jamaican association which can help, there students kim

Apr 06, 2010
Response to April 5th postings (part 1)
by: Kim Phillpotts Tinsley

(I am posting this in two sections because I have exceeded the posting limitations. I hope I get this right and the first half is followed by the second half.)

Greetings to the Phillpotts family members.

Sometime ago, I began posting on this webpage to find information about the Phillpotts family. As my dad began his descent into Alzheimer's/dementia/senility whatever you choose to call it, I realized I was losing an opportunity to find out about my family. Dad passed away last April and as his remaining siblings have been dwindling in number, I knew I needed to act on this quest.

I was born in the U.S. and although some of my father's family are in this country, they are spread far and wide. I have not had much of an opportunity to obtain family information first hand (by telephone or face to face as suggested by Myrna) from anyone except my Aunt Ruth (in Idaho) or Uncle Joshua (in Canada). I last saw Aunt Ruth about 5 years ago and Uncle Joshua back in 1996 when my mother died. I didn't really get to know my grandmother very well and Granddad died before I was born. Just in the last few months, through this message board, I became acquainted with Claudette and she has been trying to help me fit together pieces of our family tree.

Now, please let me address the recent comments on this page. I was rather taken aback when I first read them, to say the least.
Myrna: I have no clue who you are, but thanks for writing. I would be more than happy to be in touch with family in a way that would allow us to speak on the phone or face to face. When will you next be coming to Arkansas? Or, how about your phone number? I will post my email address below and you can write me personally. You have insinuated I am trying to dig up old stories. Wow, I had no clue there was something scandalous to be digging into! Surely no one is harbouring guilty feelings or skeletons in a closet? As for the privacy issue, I am not writing a book to be published, I am seeking out family and family history.

Apr 06, 2010
Response to April 5th postings (part 2)
by: Kim Phillpotts Tinsley

?Anonymous?: Okay, the Clarke?s are in the UK. Fram what Claudette had said, I got that drift. I do not know any of their names or where to even begin looking. Uncle Howard? I believe he is a first cousin, once removed. I do not know him or his contact information---care to share?
Bryl Gilpin: Thanks for including a first and last name, it may assist in finding family. Thanks also for mentioning the National Records in Spanish Town. I had no clue of what office/agency I should contact. Can anyone provide contact info for a family member in Jamaica that might be able to help me get this information?
?Anonymous?: Gosh, I hate going about this the long way. Do you have Howard?s contact info and can you give me names of his family members and contact info as well?
Finally, I see Claudette has added a more recent comment. It has always been in the back of my mind that our family does not seem to keep in close contact or dare I say, get along. I do not know why that is. Sounds like Claudette knows a lot more than I do.
But seriously, whatever anyone?s hang-ups are, I don?t care. If you are at odds with another family member, I don?t care, that?s your business. Just tell me about you. Tell me about your immediate family?.do you have interesting stories about your parents or do you have children or grandchildren you are proud of? Tell me about them. It?s not necessary to dig up the dirt. But it is interesting to know some of the details that have helped make our family who it is. Please consider sharing!


Apr 06, 2010
old skeletons
by: claudette

why is it that people have to get so nasty about other family members trying to find out who they are related to.
we call ourselves christians and being mean spirited and scandalous is definately not representing the love of God.
my first cousin and my aunt ought to be ashamed of themselves! I don't care how many hundred year skeletons are trying to fly out of the closet. Get over the nonsense and scandalous lies. we are all related so get over it.
It has been a pleasure talking to you kimberly and i am honoured to have you as my cousin.
and i am honoured to have done the family tree with you. every phillpotts who wants to know their heritage should not be denied the pleasure of knowing that we all come from a very interesting and unique family.

Apr 05, 2010
by: myrna

why is so much personal family business online. is this not better just to speak private on the telephone. face to face

what is achieved in digging up old stories

Apr 05, 2010
your clarke family
by: Anonymous

your clarke side of your family are in uk and america kim. ask howard phillpotts he should be able to tell you where they are

Apr 05, 2010
you will have to pay
by: bryl gilpin

all your answers are held at the national records in spanish town jamaica. you will have to pay.

getting copies of wills and land deeds

Apr 05, 2010
Ask howard phillpotts
by: Anonymous

find howard phillpotts and his family, they have they whole history. you are going around the long way, all your answers are in america to complete your tree

Mar 26, 2010
Eben and Eden---both are Phillpotts
by: Kim Tinsley

Eben (Ebenezer) is my uncle and yes, he would be John's (my father) and Alan's brother.

Eden Phillpotts would be my third great uncle (born in 1862).

Might I ask who you are, oh anonymous one? You didn't leave your name. Are you another relative of ours?

:) Kim

Mar 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

The person you are looking for is the name EBEN or EDEN?

If it is EBEN then he is ALAN'S brother who lives on NUGENT STREET

Mar 25, 2010
by: L.P.


Mar 04, 2010
Ministers in the family
by: claudette phillpotts

Are there any qualified ministers or singers in my family, I minister to everyone from my home.

I am a singers and sung many songs from pop music to gospel, my son is also a singer and would like to find others who do the same.

I have wrote lots of books and am going to publish many of my stories and plays, I have many music and media connection. And i would like to find other professional phillpotts family in usa and aboard.

Feb 25, 2010
building a online family tree
by: claudette phillpotts

I am looking for my jamaica cousins from spanish town area. I was brought up by doris phillpotts, I had a unhappy childhood with my sister and brother and we were not accepted by other family.

Since the death of Doris phillpotts I want to build a online family tree. I am related to cousins, myrna, joan, neville, horace, anthony, brian, garfield and andrew. And older relatives howard, enid, byrl, joyce, doris.

Lots of my family are qualified as medical professionals in america. Many of my phillpotts family were born in cuba, central america and usa. I believe that I have other family in florida, california, new york, illnois.

That i have many mixed heritage family and white European family. That my family have done well for them self and very wealthy. Could you help me. Look for me on my facebook page.

Feb 24, 2010
my mother doris christine phillpotts sealy
by: claudette phillpotts

i was brought by doris christine phillpotts sealy, with my brother grayson phillpotts and sister deane phillpotts. We live in america in detroit and we never knew our family in england very well, or got on well with father.

We went to America in 1970's from england to study and return back to engand which never happened. our family grand parents on our father side of the family are from Spanish town jamaica. from the research i have done they all did not seem to get along. and were always in disputes over land and money.

my great grand father name is thomas phillpotts and i am looking for family who know all the history to fill in the blanks as i was not brought up my parents in england or got the correct information from either my doris phillpotts or my uncle howard phillpotts. can you help me

Dec 14, 2009
Eden Phillpotts
by: Anonymous

Forgot to put my email address

Dec 14, 2009
Eden Phillpotts
by: Jean Tomlinson

I wonder if anyone has Eden Phillpotts on their tree. I am researching for a biography of this writer and am trying to connect him to his various relatives. I would love to hear from anyone who has any information about him and can exchange what info I have.
best wishes

Dec 08, 2009
by: Kim Phillpotts Tinsley


Happy holidays! I hope the season and weather is treating you well.

I hadn't heard back from you, so I thought I'd send another message.

I spoke to Claudette tonight and she mentioned to me, if you gave us your grandfather's and great-grandfather's name, we'd have more of an idea how the Phillpotts families connect with the Phillpotts in England.

As an unfortunate side note, Claudette will be travelling to England in the next couple of weeks as her mother passed away yesterday (12/7/09). While there, she will try to gather what family information she can. If you get those names to me, she may find leads for you as well.

Please reply to my yahoo address, with PHILLPOTTS FAMILY in the subject line.



Nov 22, 2009
Reply to Andrea Phillpotts
by: Kim Tinsley

Andrea, Hello!

The answer to your question is...YES!

Fortunately, I was recently contacted by Claudette Phillpotts, her grandfather and my grandfather are brothers. She has many relatives in England. I would suggest you contact her as well at:
My 'public' email address is, you can write me there for additional information. Drop me a line!

Both Claudette and I are on Facebook---are you?

I look forward to hearing from you. By the way---I believe Claudette said she will be temporarily offline till after the holidays...please don't feel ignored if you don't get an immediate response.


Nov 22, 2009
another branch of the tree
by: Andrea Phillpotts

I live in Vancouver, Canada and am doing family research of my own, most of it going back to Britain. Do you know the connection between your family name and Phillpotts clan in Britain?

Oct 31, 2009
Phillpotts family and Clarke famils or Lazarus-Clarke family
by: Kim (Phillpotts) Tinsley


Claudette Phillpotts is my second cousin....our grandfathers are brothers!

We have made contact and have joined efforts in combining family trees.

Claudette is a wealth of family information and I am most pleased to make her acquaintance! To date, she has contributed another 69 family members to the tree I have been working on.

As for the "Watson" question.....apparently, Watson is my grandmother's brother.

And to clear up another quasi-mystery, her father (my maternal great grand father) was Lazarus Clarke who married Mary Emily Louise (last name?) Clarke. Due to a mix-up in town, another "Mary Clarke's" purchases were being charged to the family's accounts, therefore it's said, they then became known as the Lazarus-Clarke family to avoid further confusion.

If any one has information of the Clarke or Lazarus-Clarke family, I would appreciate being contacted.

Family members include:
Lazarus Clarke (my Great-grandfather)
Mary Emily Louise Clarke or Lazarus-Clarke (G-grandmother) their (that I know of) children Lena Louise and Watson

Thanks again!


Oct 17, 2009
Yes, thanks...
by: Wellesley

Happy my website was able to help. Pease keep us posted.

Oct 17, 2009
by: Kim Tinsley

I have sent an email to Claudette and will let you know how everything turns out. Thank you for providing a space where we could find each other.


Oct 17, 2009
Any luck there?
by: Wellesley

Did you connect? Would love to know.

Oct 16, 2009
cousins, perhaps?
by: Kim (Phillpotts) Tinsley


I am pleased to receive your response and will be writing to you shortly.


Oct 15, 2009
direct family descendant
by: claudette phillpotts

john phillpotts and the siblings mentioned are my relatives i live in michigan and most of the family is in america.arthur phillpotts was my grandfather and he had several children howard, issac (glassy) my father, una or enid, byrle phillpotts gilpin who is in florida, howard phillpotts my uncle, ebenezer phillpotts is in ann arbor michigan some where, doris phillpotts sealy who is deceased my great grand father was thomas charles phillpotts i dont know his wifes name but i hear her last name was blackstock. i am looking for my family my email #

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