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The Jamaican Style (Poem)

by Renee Morris
(St. Catherine)

The Jamaican Style

Our style is a one of a kind.
We love to groove inna rubba dub style.
When we do these things people smile,
Why, cause they feel the vibe.

Our style can't compare you can search
and search but you will never find it anywhere.
The people are very welcoming and loving.

We are jovial persons but very ragga muffin if you push our buttons.
Our language is very unique
every body wants a piece of it.

When we have problems we party them away
and focus on things that will make us laugh.
We love to dress in the latest fashion,
We love to brag and turn up our swagg.

Nothing is too big for us to achieve once
we put our minds to it. We love spicy foods
and most of all we love our politics
- that can never drop off our list :-)

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Apr 20, 2014
From Renee to you out there NEW
by: Anonymous

Oh my I just want to thank you all for reading my article and taking such an interest in it. It really means alot to me and I just want to thank all of the viewers and readers thank you very much.

Apr 20, 2014
From Renee to you out there NEW
by: Anonymous

Oh my I just want to thank you all for reading my article and taking such an interest in it. It really means alot to me and I just want to thank all of the viewers and readers thank you very much.

Apr 19, 2014
It's so true! NEW
by: Helen

Yes, you are unique. You are wonderful people on a wonderful island.

Happy Blessed Easter!

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