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The Jamaican Duck Flower | Powerful Detox
Natasha, from my online community, reached out to me asking about a particular plant, actually a flower… The DUCK FLOWER!
Now I figured it had some medicinal value but I had no idea what is was?
By the way, I tell you this… as much as you learn from me through this website and my YouTube channel, trust me, I learn a lot more from my you, my online audience.
Remember the djembe drum video? Well that idea, the learning and ultimately the video was inspired by Linda, I wrote about that last week.
Anyways, back to The DUCK.
I search online and found some fascinating information on it, including the fact that world renowned herbalist Dr. Sebi vouched for is effectiveness.
I actually saw the video interview with him talking about it. But believe me in less than a week after I corresponded with Natasha, on my way to visit a friend of in the hills, I ran into the same flower, on the side of the road!
A coincidence you think?
Anyway, I’m not a horticulturist, neither am I a doctor, gardener nor herbalist, but I did quite a bit of reading, found it to be very interesting and so I am now sharing that earning with you.
Here are a few facts of the duck flower.
Its scientific name is Aristolochia grandiflor, aka Flor De Pato.
Some literature also refer to is as the pelican flower
It is an a orchid, a tropical plant
It has a quite ‘unpleasant’ odor. For about an hour after smelling it, I figured the scent was still lingering in my nostrils :-)
It grows on a small vine, or wiss, just like the guaco plant, which I also found beside it
It typically runs along (or in trees) streams and rivers.
From my review, it appears to be a very rare plant here in Jamaica
What's Special About The Plant? What's The Value In It?
If you get a chance, go ahead and do a Google Search; you'll find some very interesting information. But the hallmark of the Duckflower is that it is a powerful and effective cleanser! It detoxes the body in the most aggressive way they say.
It is said when the components of The Duck enter your body it removes EXCESS mucus EVERYWHERE it is not supposed to be and thoroughly cleanses the intestines over a period of four to eight hours, on average. It will likely cause vomiting AND or diarrhea for most people, that's standard, although the former seems to be more prevalent for most persons.
The reported benefits of the Duck Flower Detox are that...
It cleanses the body of excess mucus
Removes excess waste and parasites in the intestines
One 'duck' (flower) is a dose (adults (only). It is suggested that you chew on it as you'd chew on it like a lettuce after a light breakfast, fruits or juice. It may also be blended with fruit or fruit juice.
But please, remember that you have to free up 4 to 8 hours of your day as it does 'work' on the body as I mentioned before.
And you'll need to continue to rehydrate yourself during the course of the day with fresh or coconut water.
At the end, eat more light foods or fruits .
By the way, it is typically also dehydrated to store or for transportation/ shipping purposes, but it works the same. You'd simply need to rehydrate with a small amount of fresh water and eat as mentioned above. The water can be consumed as well.
It really depends on YOU and your diet at the time, everyone is different.
However, if you are fasting or on a rigid raw/vegan eating regimen, your reaction might tend to be more aggressive than someone who is eating a normal, modern day diet.
Note though that people don’t have any symptoms and might feel fine, while others experience many of the symptoms we mentioned above. Other symptoms might include a feeling of bloating, headache, swollen lymph nodes, mood swings and even a strong body odor.
Please remember that I'm simply sharing my new found knowledge with you though. I suggest that you consult with a health professional before taking this (or any other herbs) as everyone situation is quite different.
But note specifically that it should NEVER be consumed by children or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Oh, and I went back to the location and did a short video of the Duck Flower and posted it on my YouTube channel. You can find it at this link (also embedded below).
So what do you make of this? Did you hear of it before? Is it something that you'll likely consume in the future?
I'd love to hear from you! Share your feedback here.
I took this duck flower detox, it is a VERY INTENSE experience. It's best to take in the morning but I took it midday on a Saturday. I soaked It in spring water for about an hour and then blended it into a smoothie to consume. I consumed the flower about 4pm and around 5:30pm I started to feel the shift in my body. The reviews I read said that I would experience diarrhea as well (which I would prefer) but I really experienced violent vomiting. It was intense, for 3-4 hours I was puking and so much mucus came out. My throat was very sore the next day, and my face was still very red from all the puking however, I do feel lighter. I probably won't do this again but I do recommend people trying who wants instant results.
Great video! I appreciate seeing mother nature's gifts and, more so, the peculiar plants like the Duck Flower.
Jan 24, 2021 Rating
Duck Flowers by: Doreen Lovell
Very interesting information. I have seen this flower in Jamaica and never realized it has medicinal value. I will have to try and acquire a plant for my herb garden. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work of informing your followers.
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A patriotic Jamaican who adores its culture, Wellesley has been using this medium to share what he calls 'the uniqueness of Jamaica with the world' since April 2007.
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efforts have earned this site featured positions in local publications,
including the Jamaica Gleaner's Hospitality Jamaica, Carlong Publishers,
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