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The Food And The Interaction Is Why I Love Jamaica

by Cherryl
(St Andrew, jamaica)

Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Feedback Question:

There are a lot of things that make Jamaica endearing to me, but two things stand out the most:

  • The food, oh the food -lol

    As a child, from a family of five, I was always the first one to be called to the table, whether for breakfast or dinner;). The reason bring, I was always hungry, always salivating for the good dishes that would meet my palate.

    I must add that as a small child, my mother served my helping on an adult plate- no kid's size portion for me lol

    If you think about it, we have so many drooling, mouth watering dishes to choose from:

    My favourite dish was my mother.'a beef soup - I could take a bowl now or Pyrex dish (and it was not the small size neither) told you I could eat๐Ÿ˜„ that thick beef soup with the stew beef and salt meat, the dry yellow yam, spinners, pumpkin, carrot, cho-cho, turnip, cocoa - aah, satisfying

    I do believe our process of marinating our meats, our natural seasoning - maybe it's our soil, just mek wi food taste really good!๐Ÿ˜„ it's do good that sometimes yuh yeye tun inna yuh head lol

  • How we interact with each other

    I enjoy watching and listening to how we speak with each other - especially when we are excited. Have you ever observed a group of men playing dominoes? Just to hear and see their expressions in their fever of excitement- it's a joy - it just gives me a toasty feeling๐Ÿ˜„

    I know that most people love our interaction especially when we go into our patwah - a dat time it nice fi hear -

    Our interaction to me translates warmth and genuineness - we are talking de tings as it is -

    We express love, hate, joy, pain in a way that is unique - that is an interaction that cannot be replicated nor cloned - it is Jamaican. They is why anywhere in the world, a Jamaican can recognise another, just by an interaction - a saying,a gesture. I love it!

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